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Poker Cup 2010 - Poker texas hold´em - Czech Republic

by Super User, 8 years ago
0 0 | http://www.PodivejSe.EU |

Tournament Poker Cup 2010 - Poker texas hold´em in Czech Republic.

Today the most popular variant of this game is called Texas Hold'em. In this variant, a player receives two cards in one hand and on the table gradually interprets five community cards. First couple of players who are in a clockwise direction after rozdávajícím (dealer), place the so-called small and large deposit that is agreed in advance. After all the dealer deals two cards to players. Who wants to participate in the game, must call a large deposit or increase. After the completion of betting the dealer lays out three cards (the flop). Players bet. The minimum bet is equal to a large deposit. After the completion of betting the dealer lays out another card (the turn). Players bet again. After the completion of betting the dealer lays out the last card (the river) and begin the final round of betting. The strongest five-card combination of seven wins, which may occur so-called "split pot", thus winning the division among several players who have the same winning combination. In the next round gives another player who is in a clockwise direction after the current rozdávajícím. In this variant of poker do not know the combination of a flush of four cards, figures, corner sequences and the sequence of jumps.

High card -- vysoká karta
One pair -- jeden pár - par
Two pairs -- dva páry
Three of a kind- Set -- trojice
Straight -- postupka
Flush -- pět karet stejné barvy - barva
Full house -- trojice a dvojice
Poker -- čtveřice
Straight flush -- čistá postupka (pět karet v řadě a ve stejné barvě)
Royal Flush -- královská postupka (10, J, Q, K, A v jedné barvě)

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