I would. We went to Disneyland a bunch of times. I dont know if your Grandpa is in Heaven. Lets say that you and Jesus are having lunch together. Thanks for writing, Ted! Jesus says no one comes to the father except through me, my problem is I would rather rest with Jesus most sacred heart any day than be with a wrathful angry God.I ask Jesus to protect me and hind me in his most sacred wounds and his precious heart from gods wrath, anger, ultimate power, destruction and vengeance.My secret is out I do not want to be with God I want to be with Gods gentle, loving, kind, peaceful and only begotten son. I could be wrong, but you should trust yourself. I idolized people (Hollywood) just like justin bieber or one direction.. For me, its a very serious problem and i cant stop from listening to their musics.. About minutes ago, i watched a video, what really happen in hell and i aalmost crying.. Youve given me some clues, but Id like to ask a few questions. Who was the flesh that dwelt among us.? I started listening to a great many sermons and began meeting with a Biblical counselor. Im replying to you, and our relationship is growing. Thats Jesus who is God. Is that what you mean? You wrote I dont know enough if this is the best religion for me yet. Let me strongly suggest that you examine this idea. Heres the bottom line: Jesus died to pay the penalty for all sin, for all people, for all time. 28:18-20; CCC 848) He loves perfectly. Im sorry that I cant give you a better answer today, Marietjie. Is their any possible to go heaven without holyspirit annointing??? You should believe Him. The quandary goes something like this. Thats it. For me, this is another red flag. If we want to be with God, we will accept His offer of love and help. Even if I have earphones on, they would want to hear what Im listening to. As for your post, Ill try to reply simply, but without being too short. If you havent done so already, you should stop reading right now and talk to God. Thanks.Yeah. You and I can both know whether well make it to Heaven. Its a public declaration of faith. Ask yourself this, if you believe in Jesus ? Forgiveness of sins is not accomplished by getting wet, either. All we have to do is to recognize that He is God, and we are not. People need to understand the difference. Dont let anyone pressure you into doing something you feel wrong about, Karolina. If youd like a hand picking a few local churches to visit, I can help. Look for confirmation from Scripture that the message you think youre getting matches the message that God has been sending. I love Jesus with all my heart, cause I know how of the burden he took on for me and many other people. Is it because we want things we shouldnt have? Gods instructions, which are to be obeyed, seem to be of a few varieties. Did you catch that? Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment. Abraham replied, They have Moses and the Prophets; let them listen to them. No, father Abraham, he said, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent. He said to him, If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets. Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. When we say that the forgiveness of sins in Acts 2:38 has two parts first repentance, then baptism were reading the passage outside its original context. Theres a lot we dont know about what happens after we die, as the Bible isnt really very clear about it. Let me know if theres more I can do for you. There are groups of people out there who call themselves Christians who insist that believers have to be baptized using very specific words, in a very specific way, or it somehow doesnt count or that its wrong, and that God would be displeased by it. I feel like I am tricking people that church is for me when I go to church but really I dont feel like that. We have no evidence that our dead loved ones appear to us at any time, let alone as butterflies or flowers or rabbits or ghosts. June 3, 2022 . Thats good. When i read his book love wins the questions that he asked made me think and question some of Christian views i grew up believing. Clearly, thats not true. Our job is to do what we think God asks us to do, even if others dont get it. My responsibility is to help them learn what the Bible says, and to try to help them understand it. The word reconcile is the Greek word katallasso. Another is an agnostic. He believes, as many oneness folks do, that baptism only works if you do it exactly right. Lets not pretend that theres nothing to be afraid of! I still have some doubts. To help me get in touch with him? God will not judge you for things you cannot control. So: how does this information address what you wrote? We read them in context to make sure we understood them. Next, we should ask who decides who gets into Heaven?. Im Confused: No problem, chuck them on the Limbo scrapheap. I wasnt able to find any information on babies being born with none of their mothers DNA. I appreciate your honesty. First things first. Those friends who had lots of troubles, who were spiritually immature, found that many or most of their troubles disappeared as they chose to take charge of their walk with Christ. And God is helping me. Jesus is awesome and a forgiving heavenly father. please help answer my question. The word disciple is MATHETES, which means learner or student. More than anything, we who follow Jesus should be students who never stop learning. We implore you on Christs behalf: Be reconciled to God., Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. Jesus paid for all the sins of the world, but u have to accept his payment. One of the foremost New Testament scholars in the world doesnt believe in the resurrection. It was a public ceremony, where a person expressed their faith to the community, saying that they wanted to be part of the community. Its never a good idea to suggest that truth can be determined by our feelings. Could you clarify? (Going based off the idea that one must atone for sin before entry into Heaven). Like on the chair. I wouldnt rely on the UCG for any of my doctrine. Im very excited about your question, Reita. This is why Muslims have always denied that Jesus is the Son of God, because to them there is no one like Allah, and claiming that Allah has a son would be like saying theres another one just like Allah. Youre not alone. He wrote a book called love wins in which he questioned some of the views of hell and critics have just basically tore him apart for it and in some cases they have discouraged people from reading the book. Do you have to be baptized to go to Heaven? You might not like congregating with certain people in certain places, but thats not the same as not liking church. My dilemma is, Im not sure if I was truly saved when I was young, and just backslid, or if my sin proved that I was lost and am only now truly receiving Christ now that I am dedicating more of my life to him and trusting him more. The problem is that a lot of people disagree without having done any homework. I would recommend them, and many others. God will love you whether you love Him or not, whether youre baptized or not, whether you believe in Him or not, and whether you spend your life running from Him or not. It just wouldnt work for me. I appreciate hearing from you. The Bible also makes it clear that the Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Doesnt it seem like every sinner who has heard the gospel but has not yet been born again has denied God? Its pretty simple. Every analogy falls short. If you truly have a fear of water thats preventing you from being baptized, your church should accommodate you. Reconciliation is something that happens all the time, between people. Please think through this carefully: if baptism is required for salvation, then Romans 10:9-10 simply cannot be true. All of those friends have at least one thing in common: they are what the Bible describes as spiritually immature. >> Can you baptize yourself I hope that makes sense, Leah. If your child has come to faith in Christ as well, they should be baptizedbut its not an act that accomplishes something spiritual. I invite your comments on my opinions no matter which side you fall on ( agree or disagree). Where is Elijah and Enoch and Moses etc then? Eating from that tree and apple when told not to has resulted in being thrown from the garden and people enduring Gods wrath throughout history. First, thanks for writing. When I found one of their songs that sends a message that a Christian shouldnt promote, I would save it to play when Im with them. The question of exactly what happens after we die is still largely unanswered. Thats a big encouragement for others, and a wise thing to do. Jesus talked a whole bunch about Hell, and Revelation describes the fate of the wicked very clearly. If I did, I would do it in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Spirit. Happiness is everyone's goal, and it comes from giving, not possessing. First, thanks for sharing your story. But one who is more powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. This is simply a compilation of quotations from the Church Fathers, known as a "florilegium," on the topic of what happens to infants who die unbaptized. You should believe Him, and seek Him. The traditional reason that Christians havent been cremated is that it would destroy the body, making it impossible for God to put the parts back together for the resurrection. I want to grow more in christ and get baptized I have accepted jesus as my personal saviour.. and got the holy spirit when I was in my 4th grade a very young age.. Hes already paid the penalty for our sins, so the only thing keeping us from being reconciled to God is our stubborn and prideful insistence on going it alone. My experience is very clear in this regard. Like a lot of people, I didnt have a good relationship with my own father. What are you scared about? I realize that this might be an old thread but after reading through all of these answers and your post there was something that struck me. When angels die, they don't go to Heaven, as can be concluded from the whole Civil War arc, because then there would just be an unlimited supply of angels. Older people do too, but usually less. I would guess because he opposes what God wants to do. Are you as familiar with verse 17 as well? I hope youre not offended by it: youre climbing into Gods lap so you can reach up and slap His face. In the minds of most in our culture, sex is virtually as important as having shared values. I said ok, what about signing son. The Sacrament of Baptism in the Catholic Church - Learn Religions This seems weird, but the doctrine is certainly biblical. Heres an important question: reading through the whole New Testament, what can we learn about the requirements for salvation? Do Babies Go to Heaven? What the Bible Says About Unbaptized Infants Please dont hesitate to contact me with more questions, or if you need to talk, or would like to learn more about apologetics. Many are baptized multiple times because they arent taught accurately about conversion, at least that is the case for those I have ministered to. I personally believe what Jesus said to the thief on the cross. Does God know all those that will God to heaven? Thats not at issue. The only people who need to worry about judgment are those who turn their backs on Him. There are two sides: Gods and ours. In highschool I discovered pornography and this soon progressed to homosexual porn. His response: If speaking in tongues is a necessity, why would Paul explain that not all do? If not, Id be very happy to hear it! The church is all Christians, all over the world, throughout history. Here are a few things you need to know: First, you need to read the New Testament for a while. People go to Hell for rejecting God. Thats not how it works. We should not place our hope in our feelings, which may changewe should place our hope in Gods character, which He has revealed to us. Theres no question about the transmission of Scripture. He calls Himself Father for that very reason: He wants to be our spiritual father, and Hes very good at it. I believe so because my sistera favorite color was yellow and she always appears to another sister and I as a butterfly.. Do you think god was watching over us that day, and still is? Music is good. You are born again. What normally happens in these situations? It basically was chosen for me by my parents. THAT IS CHURCH. Becoming like Jesus takes time, Fernandez. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, and the Word WAS God. Thousands of books have been written about this one subject. Then, I finally really pursued God. With respect, I have every reason to doubt that youll do it but I sincerely hope that youll surprise me and be like a Berean. What makes something like music good, or bad? Its about surrendering your will to Gods will. One songwriter put it this way, and I believe its true: If you love me, you will love the church. All through the Gospels, Jesus refers to Himself as the Bridegroom, and to us as the Bride. If the object of your faith is a chair, you can think it will hold you upbut until you sit on it, you arent placing your faith in it. The aborted or unborn child that dies, along with all children that die not reaching the age of accountability, are in heaven. Youre awesome! Well never understand Him, Fully trusting God has two parts. Thats something different. Do Children Go to Heaven When They Die? | Christianity Today Get MORE involved, but do it in a 100% positive way. I wont be able to help that, it might just happen. He said that heaven is a place reserved for those with souls . I kind of felt and still feel that I had no choice really, because of the pressure of becoming member of the Church. Its that the Holy Spirit dwells in you, and its much more likely that you were being warned than that you were being tricked. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. Now what? He had some, but He came to serve. 1. In Matthew 25 we read that Jesus speaks of the resurrection of the dead: When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. Sometimes, life is tough. In the same way, your neighbor is misled. Thats not necessarily money and material things, but peace and joy and purpose. My grandsons were murdered 16 and 14 stabbed to death and burned this year so very hard for our family .They werent baptized but they did believe in Jesus and know what he stood for they werent raised in church .They came from a 1 parent family They were good boys but they were hanging with the wrong crowd .I feel in my heart they are in heaven .The other night I was laying in bed and I know I saw Larry the 14 year old looking around the corner at me I miss them they were my only grandsonvi feel lost empty sad depressed but I keep going wondering why did such a terrible thing happen to these two your boys it still feels like a dream. Then, like magic, you wont be guilty. A careful examination of the Scriptures is required, and THAT is what I recommend on GodWords, again and again and again and again. The trouble with your comment is that you leave out a whole bunch of other verses. The Father sent the Holy Spirit when the Son went to be with the Father. 28:18-20; CCC 848). In contrast, Islam (Sahih Muslim, Book 033, Number 6426) teaches that all . In Genesis, God created Adam by forming his body from the earth. If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. Sometimes its obvious that a person trusts God with their life. Thats unbiblical. Yes Baptism is a requirement, Even when Jesus came to John the Baptist , John Baptist Jesus ! One cannot be found acceptable to God because they follow Catholic or Mormon doctrine. Theres no need for you to be afraid of God. Jesus was in the world. This is the Life of a Lukewarm Christian that believes living a simple ordinary life will get them to Heaven without being Water Baptized, sadly my Parents with some of my Family and Friends fall in that category. Take a deep breath, ask God for help, trade some of the less-important things in your week for some more important things, like finding biblical answers to your questions, like singing songs that inspire you and help you grow, like finding someone else who needs your help and friendship, and spending one-on-one time with God. Then their corpses rot and fertilize the ground. Oneness Pentecostals substitute their own teaching for the clear witness of Scripture. You say youre Jewish, but thats usually a simple statement about your family history. From where I stand, you should follow Jesus lead. I thought that Jesus was a piece of him in human form but not him entirely. i know this is the right choice, but everything keeps getting in the way. What happens to babies and young children who die? Let me share with you a passage from the Bible: This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. The Bible is like any other book when reading, you cant just pick out certain versus such as believe and you will be saved, you have to read it all and it comes together.God will help you. If you need help, I will help you. I say once you spend time in prayer and have an encounter with Jesus you cant shut up about Him and what He is doing in your life. Sometimes, the things we do like will change, too if theyre not good for us. You will become part of Gods family! The Holy Spirit who is God Himself comes and lives in us. We live far apart, but the web can connect us at any time. This is a reply to your answer starting with: >> Do the rules change about sin or have we gotten the whole Gay and Christian thing wrong? Usually, an error only applies in specific situations. I can tell whether anyone will make it to Heaven not because Im special, but simply because I know what it takes to go to Heaven. Sir Tony may the almighty God grant you more grace and the anointing to continue the good work. Some of the things you dont like will change. This is a common concern, as many Christians want to make sure theyre doing things as God intends. No, what youve claimed here is simply NOT found in Scripture. Ephesians 2:1-10. Of course, that raises a few questions. Dante and the Limbo of Unbaptized Infants - St. John Vianney Lay Division Life is such a beautiful gift from God. What makes you think theres a Heaven at all? Can i have a Private Baptism at Home in my pool with a Pastor where its only with some Relatives and Friends. I also believe God led me to this church. Thats salvation. Related questions More answers below If an unbaptized person is going through RCIA, can he or she ask for his child to be baptized in the Catholic Church or it is necessary to wait anyway? Finally, lets talk about religion. Many people are taught to be Christians without having much of an idea about faith or repentance. Its very good, and I recommend it highly. (1 John 1:5-9). It could be that going to another (good) church for a week or two will give you the insight you need to better judge whether this original church is where you belong. Thats awesomebut thats not how God judges whether we should get into Heaven. Can saying the prayer of repentance take a person to heaven without being baptised? Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. Im not talking about simply having a new attitude, or changing your outlook. The Bible teaches that we must worship God in spirit and in truth. My wife and I took those 4 pages home and looked up every Scripture. This is something that happens to people who are already saved. And replacing these activities with bible reading and prayer, and moving my hobbies to outdoor activities or working to improve a skill like piano or foreign language. Reconciliation with God is just like reconciliation with another person. Youre welcome to continue the conversation, Andreas. Let me know what you think about Awesome Christian Music, would you? Its a shame you dont have a donate button! A few years ago my Grandfather died he was a good man he served in the military and lived life good. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'. Its just wanting something. We can learn all kinds of things about Him, but thats only knowledge. I mean, I dont know if one day Ill suddenly fall in love with a man. I feel that there are so many christians hammering gays over the head with the bible, but what are we really doing to them? Almost every religion teaches how one should act to make the gods not smite you, or to reward you for your good works. If it were important, it would be in there. First, you should read my article about the doctrine of the Trinity. why are you not on fire for Him and living the Christian life and bringing people into the Kingdom of God by telling them about Him ? Find meaningful work, and you can learn how valuable you are to the people around you. I dont want to be disobedient to Christ, but I also dont want to get baptized a 5th time if its not needed. Why? Its equally strange to think that we can have a relationship with God but never figure out what Hes really like. I see no contradiction between the existence of dinosaurs and Gods Word. Do it in front of your Christian brothers and sisters as a sign of your faith and your decision to serve God with your life. The father saw him coming and RAN TO HIM, accepted him back, gave him a place of honor and threw him a big party. I will write simply and briefly, to try to be as clear as possible. It also tells us that the same are not in a state of "limbo," as some believe, or else David would not be able to "go to him.". Im very happy to hear that youve taken control with regard to porn and your thoughts. Theres absolutely no question about it. As you grow, God will help you to sin less and less. I have to die to show my faith! In case Im wrong, and for those others who will read this, Ill address your comment from top to bottom as briefly as I can without losing all meaning. That is, I read in the Bible that the Father is God, that Jesus is God, and that the Holy Spirit is Godand that there is only ONE God. Your email address will not be published. Theres nothing thats three things in one. If it did, we could just make a checklist of things to do, and things to not do, that would make sure we get to Heaven. Sin doesnt keep people out of Heaven or send them to Hell. Baptism isnt a spiritual act.
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