The first day we arrived the Red Horse group dropped off building materials next to a cement pad. Asking for assistance with photos, locations of where he might have been in barracks/dining recreation on the beach? Reassigned to Korat 02 Oct 1975 till the U.S DO NOT GIVE UP! We lived in hootchs and had wooden sidewalks when I first arrived, but eventually they were replaced with concrete. I can remember standing at the runway side of our barracks watching F105 take off. Agent Orange was employed around many of these airfields andother U.S. installations in Thailand. Finally, today, 02-12-2020, I spoke with an ADVISOR at the Federal Bldg in WLA and felt good about what he told me. We (expeditionary elements of Task Force Delta) had NOTHING when we arrived there in the spring of food (other than C-Rats) and no sleeping quarters other than our sea bags to prop up up against in one of the four wooden structures along the aircraft parking apron. Thanks. That was my last normal EKG (Bradicardia, Neg T-waves, etc). The bug in my head. In response to veterans and their families suffering fromthe effects of Agent Orange, the U.S. government makes a presumption of exposure forthosewho served on land in Vietnam for the purpose of filing a claim with the Veterans Administration. I have been trying for 3 years to get COMPENSATION with NO GO from the VA. Can you help what do you guys think pretty sorry. Jan 1968 to Oct 1969 I do this all from my disability income. Air Force 2022 Phan Rang Reunion Products. Phan Rang AB News No. After two years there, I resigned my commission and after several months, came to Columbus, Ohio as the Assistant Director of the Institute of Polar Studies (now known as the Byrd Polar and Climate Center). Have recently been diagnosed with Parkinsons Disease. Myself and a couple of other crew chiefs went over and boarded the 123s to see how they worked. We lived and dined in tent cities with no running water. Anyone who can send maps of Korat or have gotten disability from Agent Orange that was stationed there during Siagon evac or Mayaquez please send any info or pictures. A bridge. Stationed with USAF 73/74 at Ramasun Station. I was in the 56FMS in 71-72 and 73-74.I was in the Hydraulic shop at that time. No VA claim to date. I am a indochina vet myself, says it on my dd-214, Needless to say everyone who was asleep that day was outside on the deck before the fragments started to fall. Im looking for anyone from the 6201st CSG/SPS from Ko Kha air station Thailand Im trying to find out what they sprayed our perimeter fences with. The use was directly across from the ,RED HORSE, heavy equipment AO. The Environmental Impact of Agent Orange hot SPOTS At least two-thirds of the so-called "Rainbow herbicides" used during the war, a total of 20 million gallons, contained the Dioxin-contaminated phenoxy herbicide 2,4,5-T. One was brought down by a surface-to-air missile from which the crewmen one of whom was the squadron commander, Wing Commander Frank Downing safely ejected and were rescued via helicopter, and another was lost during a bombing run around Da Nang. I applied for AO service connection, but was denied because I was not stationed on the perimeter of the bases. There were canine units there. bang pla thailand. Thank you. I entered service In 1966 and was stationed at 3 PACAF USAF locations as an Airman. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. Like mike the VA said they could not find my records but if they showed up they take another look at my claims, which are many. He was in the Vietnam Conflict! What they did to everyone is terrible and not just. Bud Snyder: Any info/maps showing the location/flightline of the US NAVY P3 patrol squadron detachment I work on J-79 in Ubon and J-75 in Korat, F-4C and F-105. Member names and photographs compiled from the Group "Phan Rang AB, Vietnam (Happy Valley)" Facebook pages. Thank you so much great information that Ive never known about. I was stationed at Takhli 3/68 3/69. He passed away in 1994. out of L.A. Linebacker 1 and 2. Ive had progressive peripheral neuropathy not experienced by other family members, since at least the early 90s, which recently required amputations. Looking for others that were stationed in Avionics (AMS) during 1973. We were told they would be spraying around the base in the next couple days. I was also told if I get cancer I qualify anyone have any information please contact me. They paid the locals to keep their fields low. The Title: Project CHECO Southeast Asia Report. I was stationed in NKP in 1968-1969. I was at Takhli right after it reopened till July or August 1973. Are you still living in Den area.? VA denies that Agent Orange was used at Takhli or in Thailand. Also many of us flew from US and landed in Vietnam for aircraft refueling enroute to Thailand. and listed as a medical tech. I was stationed at Utapao afb. Before moving on to the 1969map andexample from theAMS 1:50,000 set, it is necessary to explainthatthe U.S. governmentviewedThailand as a logical staging area for American forces because of its proximity to North and South Vietnam. Claim for disability is currently at BVA awaiting a decision. They claim agent orange was not used in Thailand which we know is a lie. Over the years of this writers service at the Library of Congress, veterans and their families have sent me questions about maps that show the locations of U.S. forces in Thailand during the Vietnam War. Regarding post #170- I served with Marvin Parker 1970-71. 180 ".keeping the memories . Thanks for starting this blog! The whole affair is a travesty of justice without honor for our service. Our army base was right there next to them with only a chainlink fence between us, yet every Air Force guy was eligible for benefits and we Army guys arent unless you were an MP. I have a lot of pictures. The top photo is reversed. job and believed that, my country and the military would would be Couldnt talk about the kid I left on a Thai flight line. My husband served at the Korat air base in 1970. I am looking to document the guard duties we had to perform to protect the base when we were under suspected attack. I have multiple medical issues associated with agent orange yet I have been repeatedly denied my last denial was in 2019 because the US Army and Joint Records cannot concede my exposure to tactical or commercial herbicides even though I have repeatedly claim and provided personal statements to the contrary. The VA has turned me down twice. A.O. we lived in tents, waited for rain to shower and ate c-rats until the seabees came. Yes, Udorn was sprayed with Agent Orange, the exact date I do not have but I know they sprayed because when you entered the chow halls they had a note telling individuals to indoors from like 8 to 12 pm. He did 2 tours and tried to sign up for a 3rd but he told me he was so messed up in the head they wouldnt take him. I also have diabetes now. I was at Mukdahon Air Force Base a couple of times trying to find parts. ANY ONE STATIONED OR KNOW ANYONE , AT US ARMY TROPO , SCATTER SITE COMPOUND , ABOUT 12 MILES NOTH OF KHON KAEN , NE THAILAND FEBAPRIL 1968, IT WAS . Did not happen. Phan Rang - USAF Police Alumni Association I was at Takhli from June 1969 to June 1970. But I will take my hat off to the SeaBees. I remember entering the gate and to my left was that klong and frequently smell the odor of chemucals. I went TDY to Sattihip and other places. On and off flightline daily to preflight and postflight equipment aboard aircraft. Starting the process of compensation and was told it will be denied and then would need to go directly to the VA. I am still trying to fight this though. Originally built by the Imperial Japanese Army during WWII, it was rebuilt by the United States Air Force and used during the Vietnam War by both the USAF and the South Vietnamese Air Force. Not just as Congress decided in it new regulations. It was changed over to USSTRATCOM I think late 1971. I am currently appealing the denial of a claim for hypertension and have a claim for stage 3 kidney disease as secondary to the diabetes type II pending. There had been an attack in 1968 and they sprayed the base perimeter with AGENT ORANGE as a result. Said I would receive benefits in 4 weeks. I was tdy all over Thailand, I dont have any pictures or anything that I can provide evidence of AO, I cant even remember the camp name. I was stationed at Korat from Jan 1975 to June 1975. Security Police. If anyone was there and worked with me or knew me get in touch with me through my email [emailprotected]. Attention A T users. His job was medical with the Flight Surgeons office.Does anyone know what this duty consisted of? I have some information that should open the door wide for you. Public outcry and official investigations followed. I Visited sites at Khon Kaen, Korat and Bangkok. I see that he had to drive the perimeter with the flatbead trucks full of bombs from the MSA that often got covered in the dust from the roads. I was stationed at the hospital at both bases. My husband James Corwin Page was stationed there with the Idaho 116th engineer battalion somewhere between (1966-69). BVA has recognized that this qualifies as boots on the ground in Vietnam and qualifies for presumptive exposure. Been on chemotherapy ever since. 5 way bypass pass. It was so nasty there it is a wonder we all didnt come down with a lot of stuff. I have submitted many letters from VA doctors for PTSD and cancer. I had been healthy up until 1978 when I started to get all kind of health issues. No approval from higher authority was needed. Luckily I caught a few hops to Tan San Nuet and visit Saigon, plus eat some good food and the NCO Club. 2. 1966-1969 || ARCHIVES Phan Rang Air Base - JSTOR I have given up. I was also at Udorn ,Thailand in 1974 to 75 as a RF-4C crew chief. I was a Radio Communications Analysis Specialist. I remember watching them clear the perimeter so my question does the VA recognize Takhli around that time for agent orange area to worry about. They all came home. We walked the perimeter with no knowledge of the contamination in our mist. Hope everybody else received this letter. He smiled and remarked that my brother worked for the CIA, just as he had. I,m 90% disabled & will help any way I can. But you had to be there 30 days or more for it to be on your records. worked KC-135 and B-52D flight line phase on west side and Bomber run-up 0n the Eastside. Thanks. It should also bementioned that the Veterans Administration outlines other situations where veterans may have been exposed to Agent Orange on their website. I am sure once 99 percent of us are dead, the VA will finally accept that we all were exposed to the chemicals and should not have to fight for acknowledgement to that fact. with me. We had to work with the thai police who carried weapons and we could not. Thank all of you!!! I was at Udorn from 1970 1971 Civil Engineers we also mantained communications contact with lima 11 in paske laos, which was rocket attacked the time i was there. Having to work on the Gunships meant that I was within 200m of the perimeter. About this group. My grandfather did not qualify for the military due to medical issues but went over as a civilian in the 60s through Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Tucson, Arizona. God bless. This veteran says he personally mixed and sprayed the defoliant along the flight lines, barracks, and along the perimeter the base..His case was approved and his testimony was credible. In my opinion you NEED a good attorney schooled in the law and in dealing with the VA. I believe that during the rainy season the chemical Agent Orange filtered down to the water table and we ended up drinking small amounts every day in every meal and every shower we took absorbed some through our skin. I was stationed in NKP from 1970-1971. Problem with that is a lot of the veterans wont live that long.The VA is not our friend when it comes to disability claims and most of the reform has to be forced on them by Congress. Has anyone stationed there filed a claim? May 30, 1970 to may 31 1971. How can we do that? It seems absurd they expect us to find someone we served with 50 years ago and their insistence only those who worked on base perimeters are considered. Was load crew chief and my crew worked many sorty missions on the perimeter. Va dr said my cancer was related to agent orange but ratings board says I was not in Vietnam no rating on agent orange. Thanks go to the Good Lord above for sending my DAV Service Officer who did a great job fulfilling her service to Veterans and going that extra mile to help get me 100% Service Connected. I was looking for anyone assigned to Udorn 432nd, 14th TRS between 1/1971-1/1972. Are there any others who served on LT2075 on here? The modernized airfield consisted of two 10,000-foot runways 04L/22R concrete and 04R/22L AM-2 planking with parallel taxiways and covered and open aircraft revetments along with several ramps and parking aprons on both sides . Happy to see the stories. Army Manual 3-3, 1971, states herbicide spraying creates a 500 meter (5.5 football fields) buffer zone also called a kill zone. Not taken into consideration is the spray drifting as well. You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Due to an injury, was later assigned to Civic Action as an adult English instructor with Phan Rang citizens. In the late 1940s and early 1950s the French Air Force used the same 3,500-foot runway, and abandoned the facility when French control over Indochina ended in 1954. I worked in the RAPCON and Control Tower as a 27250. He told us a lot of stories about being there but never anything more than the pleasant or funny memories (rice bugs on a net scaring a huge guy and similar). Lived in the concrete barracks both tours and the same one both times 2257. believe it or not prostate cancer 2012 and kidney bladder cancer 2020. Our unit was the 7th Radio Research field Station Airborne Radio Direction Finding (ARDF). TDY to Korat from Sept 72 until March 73 working on the Wild Weasels from McConnel. 6 long. Udorn 08/1970 to 07/1971 Looking for photos of Hospital tents for that time. I have not approached the VA about Agent Orange (A O ) and its relationship to my medical history. My brother David Chavira Jr was an Air Force communications specialist who was posted at Udorn from 1969 to 1970. I noticed some people spraying in that area and ask if they were spraying for mosquitos , and was told yes with some new stuff called AGENT ORANGE! Worked F-4DS WCS looking for anyone on flight line during this time. Flew backwards thru the Mts Ararat, on way to Oct Fest 71. Dell Ray Beckstead, I was stationed at D.Co. So, I saw my primary Philippine Care Physician (taking in a bottle of water with an empty glass to perform a show n tell) and she knew right away what I had. until reading this , from this blog. I worked with linguists and morse intercept operators. (TDY Supporting the Airlift mission in SVN while I was stationed at Okinawa). Spent 2 weeks at Phan Rang getting processed in before going to our OLAA at Da Nang, AB and another 2 weeks processing out. I remember the Klong with its sickening smell. Reply to Kimberly Smith. But, Diabetes is on the list. We spent many hours weekly on the permimeter road recovering M113 and M706 APC broken or mired in mud. I lived in the hootches behind the USO. Heart and Arterial disease, A-fib to the point where i now have a Watchman device implanted in my heart. Wish me luck. I would love to hear from anyone who was there at either place during those years. This photo was taken in May 1969 during a VIP visit to Phan Rang AB, RVN by M/Gen. I am 75 years old and not sure how much time I have left. Most of the time the conversations were pleasant. I was a cable splicer and worked the parameter and between runways in the dirt and in trenches/pits. His name is Robert Knerler. If you go to your nearby VA OPC, VA Hospital, etc. I worked from 6pm to 6am. Most importantly talk to a Veteran organization. I made a lot of friends during that time. K-9 MWD: Attack on Phan Rang AB. - VSPA Thanks and wish all others well. No additional treatment. Remember the Klong monster? Installations and Facilities in Thailand by the 652nd Topographic Engineer Battalion. He was in 1980 Comm Sq at Tahkli as a Comm Control Specialist in 1966. 2.I dislike____RELYING_____too much on other people. Another tour of duty in 1973-76. He passed away several years ago from heart disease and kidney failure associated with diabetes but now Im trying to help my mom obtain VA benefits for assisted living.
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