He walks me out to my car gives me a big hug we have a conversation. Capricorn Man Secrets by relationship astrologer Anna Kovach provides even more information on Capricorn males. He doesn't like a girl who keeps texting and calling him all the time and forcing him to do something he doesn't like. Answer (1 of 20): As An Aquarius man, I think we try to slowly if not immediately space ourselves from the individual. He doesnt chase you, in a nutshell: An Aquarius man likes to be the pursuer, and when he doesnt do this, he has likely lost interest in you. He's told me he likes me and has love for me. Besides, relationships are supposed to be based on compromise and making each other feel good, within reason. His 13 year past relationship endet bcs of him not wanting to get married and have kids. The thing about Aquarius men is that if you ask them for the truth, they will typically tell you. The best way forward is to calmly ask him how he feels about where things are with you two and allow him to tell you. He needs to focus on himself and make some changes before he can have a healthy relationship. Take it as a consolation that the Aquarius man was honest with you and didnt lead you on. We have been intimate and without going into details, he has put more effort to making sure Im pleased and what not. He doesn't seem interested by: Anonymous I've been seeing an Aquarius man for almost 3 months. In short, she will totally disregard what you want or need in favor of her own interests. An Aquarius doesn't like a girl who is clinging and being needy over him. He wants to be happy. He's afraid of rejection. With that said if you did something that really ticked him off, hell pull back to think everything over at several angles. Due to covid not at all. He is so sweet , kind, protective of me, and very honest which hurts sometimes but helps me in the end. For any woman that gets involved with an Aquarius man, she has to have lots of patience. Planned to move in, babies and then it just gradually went off for no reason. But i feel like he is not quite over her cz he asked himself what wouldve happened if he made it work. Then he will love you because no other woman understands him like you do X. Im glad you found a formula that works well for you but not all Aquarius men are the same. You wont know what his whereabouts are and you will quickly get the idea that he is trying to avoid you. What To Do When An Aquarius Man Doesnt Text Back. If you need more tips, check out Aquarius Man Secrets. ago. If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. Libra. Aquarius people need to be involved with things that hold their attention. If you find her pull back and seemingly ignore you, don't quickly conclude that she doesn't like you. It depends on what his integrity level is at the time. He's not like a Libra man where the Libra will still be nice to youCapricorn will go cold and completely emotionless. Im confused. At that point, youll know if he likes you or if hes done. He hadnt said or done anything differently than he usually did.then on Tuesday, he asked me if we could have a serious talk and he told me he doesnt have romantic feelings for me but he still wants to hang out and be friends.basically everything weve already been doing for the past five months. Dont run the Aquarius mans life for him; he sometimes allows people to do that because of his. On the other hand, when he finds the right girl, he will gradually succumb to the most passionate paths of love. Dont let commitment issues continue to hold your relationship back. 4. I think I probably shouldnt have asked, but I needed to know. The Aquarius man is not above using someone for personal gain. The two of you may have been spending quite some time together, but when an Aquarius man loses interest, it is usually for good. I realised I pushed him a bit to talk about us. After all my years of experience with Relationship Astrology, I still sometimes scratch my head trying to figure out why Aquarius men run so hot and cold. Read also : Number One Reason Aquarius Avoids Your Texts. What if I told you there is still hope for you and your Aquarius man? Hello, I have been with acqurious for 3 months now. . Along the lines of being distracted, his stress can also distract him from speaking to you. Ive been seeing this aquarius guy on and off for about 2 months. 12 Signs a Taurus man doesn't like you. She blocks you on social media. Your intuition is screaming at you but you arent listening. Just dont text him again, dont chase him, and dont give him the satisfaction of knowing that he controls you. 2. It sounds like hes going through something in his own life that maybe he doesnt want to discuss. Please, just dont chase him when he stops chasing you! We had a relationship for 7 months and due to COVID we didnt see each other for a little while then I moved a bit further away. Hes unavailable, summarized: When he no longer makes time for you then you know that he is becoming less and less interested in you. My name is Anna Kovach, and Im a Relationship Astrologer. If an Aquarius man doesnt go out of his way for you, then he likely never intends to do so. You are likely a trusted and valuable friend to him. You can also check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more revelations. Is it fixable or has he lost interest and I should leave him and maybe he will come back? If your man never texts first but replies instantly, then there are clear-cut chances that he has an introvert personality. Other times, it is for the best that a relationship ends. He aggressively opened up telling me I am scaring him, I am nean. I tried to explain the following morning. You might want to check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more information. The best thing to do is not approach them with any sort of attitude. 3. Friendships that turn into relationships are easier, just mind his ego. Aquarius is a slow mover and even when its time to making up, he wants to still have his personal freedom. As Mercury . He just loves to give back to humanity. You're not his type. But as an Aquarius, you're less . A mistake at work may go wrong but your boss will be understanding . He will likely be honest with you. If you find he's got enough on his plate, you might want to come to terms with the fact that he's not talking to you anymore because he's distracted, or encourage him to talk about it. . She tells you everything you need to know to know if a Capricorn man is not into you. Here are some pointers that might help him change his feelings about you. Not wanting to deal with confrontations, expect him to pull away or ignore you until you are forced to end the relationship yourself. If your Aquarius man never initiates seeing you, then there is a big problem and he likely doesnt really have feelings for you. At home, he is very touchy and sweet. She wants to date someone who she has a genuine connection with, who she can open up to. Most of the time he wants to be alone or even around his family more than he wants me around. when we first met he was like a breath of fresh air. If he isnt asking you questions then you need to go ahead and bring up topics yourself and tell him all you can about you. Allowing the Aquarius man the time to be alone is essential for your relationship. If you dont get as many benefits as you are giving him, say your goodbyes because its clear you are being used. But when he finds that being away from you is better than being with you, he might stay away for good. He let me amazon my preferred coffee to his house and we were taking our time and really building towards something. This is only done by Aquarius so that he doesn't have to get in touch to his emotional side which is probably messed up right now. If he continues to be stubborn and inflexible with you, then you might as well cut your losses with this guy. If you need more information about Aquarius man, try reading my book Aquarius Man Secrets. Aquarius men need LOTS of personal space and time. Its best to get out early than drag it out and hurt yourself. Then youll know where you stand and if there is anything else moving ahead. Show him that you are a woman who isnt going to pressure him into anything that will make him feel uncomfortable. You will feel his anxiety and lack of ease when hes around you. I dont know if you two were sexual or not but Im assuming so. My Aquarius Man Is Ignoring Me, What Do I do? My issue is that he doesnt ask many personal questions about me. He has me so confused I dont even know how to explain the situation there are so many mix signles. When an Aquarius is just using you, he'll be especially unwilling to compromisebecause he doesn't want to put in the effort. The introverted personality of the Aquarius man makes communicating with him tricky. Take the time to know what he likes or dislikes and find out what you have in common and your significant differences. Im a Sagittarius woman. So he doesn't like conversations about the relationship and he doesn't like calling me. He is probably the sign in the Zodiac that is most forward-thinking. Sounds strange, right! That means he would want friends with benefits so that he can have the benefits without the strings. He is protective of his privacy, and he will not let people know his opinions and feelings until he has had enough time alone to process and make up his response. It may behoove you to find out by asking him how he feels. I dont think you want to though. This guy is THE strangest man I have ever met. If youre fighting to get an Aquarius mans attention who has let you know in more than one way that he doesnt like you at all, you probably should just leave him be. Distrust is one of the signs Signs Your Husband is Not in Love With You Anymore that is most prominent in an Aquarius. He likes to pour her heart out in love. A Gemini is very affectionate and romantic. Why he picks fights in a nutshell: He fights with you because he wants you to be the one to break up with him. Is it ok to just stop risking it with Aquarians? He a. 6. Hell be super vague and refuse to answer your questions directly. He will tell me his plans and trips in advance, which he didnt use to. Ghosting you will be the most likely route he'll take to get rid of you, short of telling you outright that he's not into you. The Aquarian man is not good at pretending. Shyness and reticence prevent him. He doesnt think twice about sparing you his feelings because he believes that honesty is the best policy, even if that means hurting someone. However, when he becomes really disinterested in a lover, he tends to hold back and becomes quite cheap. You might want to check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more information. Aquarius is an air sign and air signs tend to be emotionally distant.They are charming at first and this characteristic makes them really irresistible to many. You might want to check out my book Aquarius Man Secrets for more information. Yet he told me my ex will never be a reason to leave us(yet he did). I love him and I tend to over communicate, how can we meet at a common ground and allow our relationship to blossom? Giving me different reasons on why it wouldnt work out bcs my ex will always be on our way (bcs of our daughter) We dont spend much time together, but it has became more recently. My friend and Relationship Astrologer Anna Kovach also wrote a step-by-step guide Aquarius Man Secrets if you want to read your Aquarius man's mind and body language to know what he truly feels for you. When ignoring me he is talking to others. Inside, y. ou'll discover what might be going on underneath the surface, what's the hidden message behind his words and behavior, and many other little-known secrets all based on one simple fact his Zodiac sign. Theyre good at saying things like, ask me the truth, I tell you no lies.. He deffinetly keeps me hanging on but very small amounts. One night he called me early hours of the morning. This is her way of letting you know she can't talk to you anymore. Either that, or hes mad. As mysterious Pluto aligns with the convergence of Venus and . True everyone knows how an Aquarius is and being insecure will make it difficult anyway from we broke up we still communicated but he did get busy with work so less talking but I swear when we first met he told me that he would start getting busy and when we did hang out he gave me all his time and attention fast forward I asked him to be my best-friend and he agreed .. he says Im still his fav person which I was surprised because of all the stress I put onto him I ask myself how is that possible.