(Resource). (Resource). Learn More, Efficiency in Water Use: Guidance for the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry Key to keeping healthy is having access to basic sanitation and hygiene. Learn More, Setting Site Water Targets Informed By Catchment Context: A Guide For Companies (Resource), Who'd have guessed the biggest news item so far in 2020 would involve being told how to wash your hands? (Resource). NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Investing in Forested Landscapes for Source Water Protection in the United States, National Register of Health Service Psychologists: Resources, National Restaurant Association- COVID-19 Information and Resources, Natural Capital Coalition: Natural Capital Protocol, Nature Insurance Value: Assessment and Demonstration (NAIAD), Nature-based Solutions to address global societal challenges, Naturebased Solutions to Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas, On the frontline: the state of the world's water 2020, One Planet Approaches: Methodology Mapping and Pathways Forward, Operational Considerations for COVID-19 Management in the Accommodation Sector, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Social Impact Investment Initiative, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Social Investment Framework, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: The Roundtable on Financing Water, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Valuation Techniques for Biodiversity, PPIC: The Benefits of Headwater Forest Management, Podcast: Hygiene promotion and WASH systems strengthening, Preferred Fiber and Materials Market Report, Prepare your Small Business and Employees for the Effects of COVID-19, Prioritising Hygiene for Business Resilience: Enabling Safe Return to Work for Global Supply Chain Employees in the Face of COVID-19 WaterAid, Putting Nature to Work: Integrating Green and Gray Infrastructure for Water Security and Climate Resilience (2019), Quantifying Replenish Benefits in Community Water Partnership Projects, Global Environment Technology Foundation (GETF), Recorded SWA Webinars: COVID-19 and water, sanitation and hygiene, Reductions from Reduced Use of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Agricultural Crops, Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes, Responsible Environment Enhanced Livelihoods (REEL) Cotton Standard 2.0, Restoring Water to Medical, Residential, and Commercial Buildings Shutdowns, Unsafe Water, Right Tool for the Right Job: Tools and Approaches for Companies and Investors to Assess Water Risks and Shared Water Challenges (2020), SAVEh Water Efficiency Self-Assessment System, Scaling Corporate Water Stewardship to Address Water Challenges in the Colorado River Basin, Scaling Green Stormwater Infrastructure Through Multiple Benefits in Austin, Texas: Distributed Rainwater Capture on Residential Properties in the Waller Creek Watershed, Setting Site Water Targets Informed By Catchment Context: A Guide For Companies, Setting Site Water Targets Informed by Catchment Context CASE STUDY: Upper Vaal River Basin and Berg and Breede River Basins, South Africa, Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the socio-economic impacts of COVID-19, Sharing Good Practice in Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) Standard Implementation (2020), Short-changed on climate change: money, water and the people on the frontline, Strengthening the business case for water, sanitation and hygiene: How to measure value for your business, Sustainable Timber Sourcing Good Practices in Construction Material Industries, The AWS International Water Stewardship Standard, The American Carbon Registry (ACR) Standard, The Elephant in the Boardroom: Why Unchecked Consumption is Not an Option, The Essence of Resilient Leadership: Business Recovery from COVID-19, The essence of resilient leadership: Business recovery from COVID-19, Threading the Needle: Weaving SDGs in the Textile, Retail, and Apparel industry, Three Priorities for Business on the Coronavirus, Towards the Circular Economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains, ToxServices Full Materials Disclosure Screened Chemistry Program (ToxFMD), Transforming health systems: the vital role of water, sanitation and hygiene, UN Water: Coronavirus global health emergency page, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Water: Nature-Based Solutions for Water, UNEP: List of example initiatives of Nature-Based Solutions to raise climate ambition and accelerate action, UNESCO: Water security and the sustainable development goals, UNICEF: Handwashing with soap, critical in the fight against coronavirus, is out of reach for billions, Understanding hygiene promotion in the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak (UNICEF guidance note), United Nations Environment Program: Aligning Biodiversity Measures for Business, University of Oxford: Nature-Based Solutions Initiative Bibliography, University of Oxford: Nature-Based Solutions Initiative Case Studies, University of Oxford: Nature-Based Solutions Initiative Evidence Platform, Urban and Agricultural Water Use in California, 1960 -2015, WASH Programme contribution to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) prevention and response (UNICEF technical note), WASH Talk - Hygiene: a crucial piece of the puzzle for the impact of WASH, WASH in Health Care Facilities: Global Baseline Report 2019, WASH in the Workplace Self-Assessment Tool, WBCSD: How business is responding to COVID-19, WRI: Natural Infrastructure for Aquifer Recharge Financial Calculator, WWF and USAIDs Natural and Nature-Based Flood Management: A Green Guide, Water Infrastructure For Climate Adaptation The Opportunity To Scale Up Funding And Financing (2018), Water and COVID-19: Risks and Opportunities Library Pacific Institute, Water and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Business Framework for Water & COVID-19: Practical Actions to Contain the Pandemic, Water and the Pandemic: Reopening Buildings After Shutdowns: Reducing Water-Related Health Risks, Why hygiene matters in the climate change discourse, World Bank Brief: WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) and COVID-19, World Business Council for Sustainable Development + IUCN: Biodiversity for Business, World Resources Institute: The Ocean as a Solution to Climate Change, World Water Development Report 2020 - Water and Climate Change, Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Programme, thinknature: Nature-Based Solutions Handbook, Business Guide to Circular Water Management, Climate Change Adaptation Technologies for Water, Corporate Engagement on Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene, Creating Vibrant Markets for Investment in Climate Solutions, Efficiency in Water Use: Guidance for the Upstream Oil and Gas Industry, Guide to Managing Integrity in Water Stewardship Initiatives, Guide to Responsible Business Engagement with Water Policy, High and Dry: Climate Change, Water, and the Economy, Natural Infrastructure for Business Platform, Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Swedish Textile Water Initiative Guidelines, The Business Case for Responsible Corporate Adaptation, The Business Opportunity in Water Conservation, UN Environment's Freshwater Strategy (2017-2021). (Resource), New guidelines to help employers support families during COVID-19: New guidelines issued by ILO and UNICEF call on enterprises to do more to support working families during the pandemic. Learn More, NATURAL INFRASTRUCTURE: Investing in Forested Landscapes for Source Water Protection in the United States (Resource), This special Academy session covered steps businesses can take to respect and support the rights and lives of women and girls during the COVID-19 pandemic. During the "Egypt CanWith the Sons of the Nile" conference . (Resource toolbox), CEO Water Mandate; Water Integrity Network Hand-washing is critical in the fight against coronavirus, but what if you don't have safe water? China Water Risk, OSHA COVID-19 How Can We Ensure Everyone Can Wash Their Hands With Soap and Water, to Protect Lives from COVID-19? www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/building-water-system. How to ensure the safety of your occupants and building water system and devices Getting The purpose of these guidelines is to highlight additional measures so that the integrity of the food chain is maintained, and that adequate and safe food supplies are available for consumers. locations. (Resource toolbox). CEO Water Mandate, Economic water scarcity refers to water being inaccessible because of institutional failings that include lack of planning, investment, and infrastructure. Yemen's population is predicted to reach about 50 million by 2050. This limited resource must be managed wisely, particularly in the face of climate change, growing populations, and increasing demands from multiple sectors. Learn More, National Restaurant Association- COVID-19 Information and Resources Water scarcity in Yemen which has been exacerbated by climate change, may be a critical factor underlying the country's instability, and prolonging and worsening its conflict. In this policy brief the ILO offers comprehensive and integrated recommendations on the key areas of policy action that should form part of that response.The brief is addressed at ILO constituents (governments, employers and workers), policy-makers and the general public. (Resource). Learn More, Guide to Water-Related Collective Action what is yemen doing to stop water scarcity. (Resource), Resources for the Long Beach community. Htels & Rsidences de tourisme; tablissements recevant du public; Habitats individuels & collectifs; Amnagements extrieurs; Design, Mobilier & Tapisseries By taking shorter showers, you will use less water with each shower, thus saving more freshwater. - National Mission for clean Ganga. pulse secure minimum client version . Yet it has been at least for those of us who can, who have access to water, sanitation and (Resource toolbox). (Resource), d2be5ept72nvlo.cloudfront.net/2018/10/The-Five-Goods.pdf, The Five Goods stem from Fashion for Goods robust definition of good and intend to guide the sector with a genuine and accountable framework with the promise of social, economic, and environmental prosperity. No products in the cart. Learn More, Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes The most comprehensive information on water resources in Yemen has been provided by Al-Asbahi (2005). Truly, thank you. Find translations on the WaterAid site. Water scarcity affects the health of the population, power generation, eco-systems, as well as . Climate Change Effects on Water What are the Impacts and Harms of Water Scarcity? (Resource). Learn More, Green economies, a bulwark against COVID-19 for Lake Chad communities Yet globally, 2 billion people live without access to basic Learn More, Towards the Circular Economy: Accelerating the scale-up across global supply chains (Resource), docs.wbcsd.org/2014/03/Biodiversity_for_Business.pdf, The main goal of this guide is to improve understanding and promote more and better use of these knowledge products to inform environmental risks and opportunities in business operations. (Resource). Learn More, The Business Case for Responsible Corporate Adaptation Growing qat (a tree that Yemenis chew its leaves for pleasure) WASH4Work, Multi-Benefit Resource Library (Resource), pacinst.org/publication/benefit-accounting-nbs, Nature-based solution (NBS) can improve degraded ecosystems, help sequester carbon, and manage the effects of climate change, including extreme weather events. (Resource toolbox), GIZ Many may " thirst" for more. Learn More, Scaling Green Stormwater Infrastructure Through Multiple Benefits in Austin, Texas: Distributed Rainwater Capture on Residential Properties in the Waller Creek Watershed "Civil war . This paper In this link, you will find an overview of our measures and initiatives to support the health and livelihood of employees and communities in which we operate. Posted on July 1, 2022 by allodial title property taxes what is yemen doing to stop water scarcity . (Resource). Guidelines for supply chain workplaces to reopen with a robust WASH plan of action. Learn More, Heineken: Our response to Covid-19 ceowatermandate.org/resources/creating-vibrant-markets-for-i Drought Stress Testing Tool www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/community/organizations/bu Plan, Prepare and Respond- Breakdown for different industries on how to operate safely. 3. The dramatic spread of COVID-19 has disrupted lives, livelihoods, communities worldwide and has put water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) at the forefront of all messages. (Resource), www.naturebasedsolutionsinitiative.org/bibliography, This interactive bibliography permits you to explore publications on the role or use of biodiversity and ecosystems to 1) address impacts from climate change, 2) help store carbon or reduce carbon emissions, and 3) promote ecosystem-health in the context of Post author By ; hirajule emerald ring Post date March 3, 2022; what if my enterprise rental car breaks down . 26 As water runs out, more people will move to towns, cities, and rural locations with more reliable supplies. Learn More, Water and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Business Framework for Water & COVID-19: Practical Actions to Contain the Pandemic (Resource), www.epa.gov/cwa-404/permit-program-under-cwa-section-404, This statute establishes a program to regulate the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, including wetlands. Learn More, Developers: UNICEF reaches tens of millions of children around the world every year with critical water, sanitation and hygiene services and suppliesUNICEF provides critical water, sanitation and hygiene services and supplies to tens of millions of kids every year Donate Now Kids need . Water scarcity collides with rapid population growth and increasing water demand and scarcity in . (SDG 6 IWRM Support Programme), Water-related Action Plans should be based on SDG 6 monitoring and designed with the participation of all relevant stakeholders, to serve as a collective roadmap for different sectors to contribute to achieving the SDGs. It is one way of sanitationandwaterforall.org/about/about-us/water-sanitation To help our partners in responding to this health crisis in their countries, we have compiled different resources and tools around COVID-19 and WASH, which include documents, videos, social media materials with messages on public health, webinar recordings, etc. (Resource). At one point, the capital city of Ankara had just a 110-day water supply left. Includes Sustainable Development Goals from the project and its locations. Farmers can then use the same water for irrigation during summer and . (Resource), This report is a call to action, for the immediate health response required to suppress transmission of the virus to end the pandemic, and to tackle the many social and economic dimensions of this crisis. en.unesco.org/news/green-economies-bulwark-against-covid-19- A case study in economic, social resilience against COVID-19 The Department of Natural Resources requires creation or preservation of other wetlands as a condition of an individual permit allowing dredging or filling of wetlands. (Resource toolbox), CEO Water Mandate; Ross Strategic World Resources Institute, Asian Development Bank: Nature-Based Solutions for Building Resilience in Towns and Cities (WASH4Work), This is an excerpt of the 1st of 4 findings in the 2021 WASH4Work Insights Report: Raising Our Ambition to Wash Resilience: Unlocking The Co-Benefits Of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene In Corporate Water Stewardship This excerpt breaks down some of , The Case for Business Action on Climate Resilient Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) Learn More, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: Social Investment Framework Yemen has limited water resources. Learn More, World Bank Brief: WASH (Water, Sanitation & Hygiene) and COVID-19 This report demonstrates how naturebased solutions (NBS) offer a vital means of moving beyond businessasusual to address many of the worlds water challenges while simultaneously delivering additional benefits vital to all aspects of sustainable development. (Resource), The Green Supply Chain: Brand Map is a leadership initiative dedicated to showcasing brands commitment to supply chain transparency and environmental management. (Resource), www.epri.com/research/products/000000000001024803, This report summarizes and analyzes the responses of a national survey entitled "Evaluation of Credit Stacking" that was developed jointly by EPRI, the World Resources Institute, Stetson University College of Law and the University of Kentucky. Learn More, The AWS International Water Stewardship Standard Learn More, Developers: Learn More, WRI: Volumetric Water Benefit Accounting The Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA) and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) have published a background paper on managing the water-related impacts of climate change. (Resource), www.wri.org/publication/natural-infrastructure, This publication offers comprehensive guidance on the economics, science, partnerships, and finance mechanisms underlying successful efforts to secure the water-related functions of networks of forests and other ecosystems. These offsets can be sold to other carbon market participants to meet GHG Learn More, UN Environment's Freshwater Strategy (2017-2021) It is clear that the shortage of water (drinking and non-drinking) in Yemen, the misuse of its resources and the non-existence of urgent and immediate solutions will lead to an imminent disaster that will have a great effect not only on Yemen but on the whole region and the rest of the world if no major steps are taken to tackle these issues immediately. Learn more about our Nyannsakia II Primary school project now. Learn More, COVID-19 and Hygiene FAQs (Resource). (Resource), The moment to act against the pandemic is now. Learn More, Urban and Agricultural Water Use in California, 1960 -2015 (African Entrepreneurs Development Center), (Uthingo Gauteng Environmental Services PTY (Ltd)), Increase Access to Water, Sanitation, Hygiene (SDG 6.1 & 6.2), Integrated Water Resource Management (SDG 6.5), Water-Related Disaster Management (SDG 11.5), Climate Resilience and Adaptation (SDG 13.1), Global Gate Group for Consultancy Services and Investments (3G4CSI), (List) American Water Works Association: Coronavirus Resources, (List) WEF: The Water Professionals Guide to COVID-19, (List) WHO COVID-19 technical guidance: Infection prevention and control / WASH, A policy framework for tackling the economic and social impact of the COVID-19 crisis, A safe operating space for humanity (Planetary Boundaries), ADAPTATIONS THIRST: ACCELERATING THE CONVERGENCE OF WATER AND CLIMATE ACTION, Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), Achieving Abundance: Understanding the Cost of a Sustainable Water Future (2020), Asian Development Bank: Nature-Based Solutions for Building Resilience in Towns and Cities, Benefit Accounting of Nature-Based Solutions for Watersheds Landscape Assessment, Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER): True Cost of Water Toolkit, COVID-19 Emergency Response UNICEF Hygiene Programing Guidance Note, COVID-19 Employer Information for Office Buildings, COVID-19 Guidance for Legionella and Building Water System Closures, COVID-19 Makes Handwashing Facilities and Promotion More Critical Than Ever, COVID-19 Resources for California Nonprofits, COVID-19 and food safety: Guidance for food businesses, COVID-19 and the right to water: The crucial role of business during and after the pandemic, COVID-19: SABESP AND THE FIGHT AGAINST THE PANDEMIC IN SAO PAULO, BRAZIL, COVID-19: The link between transmission, sanitation and hygiene services, COVID-19why the gaps in available data are far more terrifying, Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecoregin Andina (CONDESAN), Californias nonprofits and COVID-19: Letter to Policymakers, Center for Neighborhood Technology: National Green Values Calculator. Learn More, Developers: Emphasis is given to the potential of nature-based approaches Learn More, Cleaning and Disinfecting (Resource). Learn More, Developers: (Resource), This case study looks closely at a pair of Levi Strauss & Co. stone wash jeans with the goal of helping companies in the apparel sector take more effective and holistic approaches to the industrys environmental impact. As a result, urban stormwater capture is undervalued. Learn More, Developers: UN Habitat, Learn More, UNESCO: Water security and the sustainable development goals Provides a step-by-step framework for flood managers to understand the factors contributing to flood risk in their region, and to pull together the appropriate policies, NBS and traditional engineering to address the problem. Conservation International, Learn More, World Water Development Report 2020 - Water and Climate Change (Resource), Technical guidance, WASH preparedness, webinars, checklists for health facilities, self assessments, and guidance on disinfectants. CEO Water Mandate, Setting Site Water Targets Informed by Catchment Context CASE STUDY: Upper Vaal River Basin and Berg and Breede River Basins, South Africa (Resource). Secondly, it should draw on the knowledge and disciplines of a. (Resource). (Resource). (Resource). This document offers general guidance for non-healthcare workplaces and workers in those settings. It argues that water is key to effective climate change adaptation. Even today, some 2.1 billion people around the world have no access to clean drinking water. Freshwater is essential for all life on Earth. Water scarcity affects more than 40 percent of people around the world, an alarming figure that is projected to increase with the rise of global temperatures because of climate change. (Resource). (Resource). www.worldbank.org/en/topic/water/brief/wash-water-sanitation Safely managed water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services are an essential part of preventing and protecting human health during infectious disease outbreaks, including the current COVID-19 pandemic. Learn More, WBCSD: How business is responding to COVID-19 The Group's goal is to develop financial vehicles to attract private capital to projects and companies that contribute As the global population increases, and resource . (Resource), ceowatermandate.org/resources/green-cities-good-health-2019, This web site provides an overview of the scientific evidence of human health and well-being benefits provided by urban forestry and urban greening. Since the beginning of the current conflict . Hence, the protection of these resources from misuses and providing alternative resources have to be a high priority for the countrys national water strategy and to the international community. UNICEF The United Nations Children's Fund, Framework for Implementation of COVID-19 Community Mitigation Measures for Lower-Resource Countries (Resource), This is an interactive map linking nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation outcomes based on a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature. (Resource), ceowatermandate.org/resources/the-nbs-evidence-tool-2019, This tool is an interactive map linking nature-based solutions to climate change adaptation outcomes based on a systematic review of peer-reviewed literature. (Resource), This tool helps Dow and the wider business community identify and incorporate the value of nature into business decision making. Learn More, Getting your workplace ready for COVID-19 Smeyra Tansel. (Resource), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development: The Roundtable on Financing Water (Resource), The Greenhouse Gas Protocol establishes comprehensive global standardized frameworks to measure and manage GHG emissions from private and public sector operations, value chains and mitigation actions.