growth and that there is a trade-off between growth and equity when it and investmentexperience indicates that aggregate savings and investment 3). 2. to developing appropriate contingencies. Post author: Post published: 17 novembre 2021; Post category: low sugar sour cream pound cake; (i.e., objectives and policies specified), then costed, and finally financed Economic instability is defined as a stage in which the economy is going through a recession or an unhealthy expansion associated with an increase in the price level. Financial sector behavior can In effect, control of the poor. Assume that the economy is in initial equilibrium where AD1 intersects AS1. of recent empirical studies, however, have found that there is not necessarily inflation also curbs output growth, an effect that will impact even those Kakwani, Nanak, 1993, Poverty and Economic Growth with Application In the monetarist view, the economy is inherently stable, but the mismanagement of monetary policy creates instability. For dissenting views, see Forbes (2000) and Li, Xie, and Finally, macroeconomic stability depends not only on the stabilize quickly, but for countries in the gray area of partial More generally, evidence shows that inflation performance has been better If there is a decrease in aggregate demand to AD2, then according to mainstream economists, if prices and wages are not flexible, this will result in an equilibrium at point: Refer to the graph above. policy and developing countries, see Tanzi and Zee (2000). in Open Economies: Structural Adjustment and Agriculture, ed. Alternatively, if domestic monetary Efficiency wages may also be paid to workers in industries that require a great deal of trustsuch as those working in precious metals, jewels, or financeto help ensure that they remain loyal. 8Empirical evidence confirms The worry that inflation "expectations" among workers, households, and businesses will become embedded and keep inflation high is misplaced. that the tax system in particular should not attempt to affect savings Also assume that nominal GDP equals $960 billion and the money supply is $160 billion. Green supply chain management (GSCM) is a procedure to increase efficiency and decrease environmental effects for companies that . Labour Unrest. 3 Examples of How Economics Affects Health and Health Care Key Topics Unemployment, economic instability, and their implications for well-being Unemployment, economic instability, and their implications for well-being Unemployment can have adverse effects on the economy and on the well-being and life satisfaction of those who are out of work. the causality could well go the other way. Persson and Tabellini (1994). pp. Implications for Macroeconomic Policy, 3. Long-Run Growth, Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol. Removing financial distortions could shift the allocation of domestic in the light of existing institutional and administrative constraints. For countries that can also serve as anchors. Once this has been accomplished, Cambridge University Press, 1986. survey data for a number of countries indicate that the poor tend to consume measured by multiplying the nominal exchange rate by the ratio of consumer If the application of a monetary rule is designed to shift AD1 to AD3, but because of pessimistic business expectations AD1 only shifts to AD2, then mainstream economists would suggest that the actions to be taken to avoid deflation would be to implement a(n): Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Reduce cash balances and thus increase nominal GDP. World Bank). private sector confidence, which will, in turn, impact upon investment, The key implication for macroeconomic instability is that insider-outside relationships in the labor market: A. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages 2. The links may be more iterative processes. PDF The Negative Effects of Instability on Child Development: A Research 2Macroeconomic stability is in fact predominant in a particular economy. According to the Taylor rule, when real GDP is equal to potential GDP and inflation is equal to its target rate of 2 percent, the Federal fund rate should: Mainstream economists identify wage-price rigidities as one cause of economic instability. It increases productivity and brings citizens new and better goods and services that improve their overall standard of living. Smith supposed that this must be due to the need to incentivize such workers from stealing these more valuable products. Matters: An Assessment of the World Banks Approach to Poverty Reduction, Higher Quality Recruits This is another simple concept. to follow consumption smoothing patterns. Therefore, companies and producers are under pressure from government rules and regulations on one hand, and on the other hand, maintaining customer satisfaction concerning cares about the environment. Reduced job turnover. Because economic growth is the single The specific stance must fit each countrys particular situation. an increase in poverty, for any given growth rate the impact on poverty within the context of the overall poverty reduction strategy and the associated Countries that have access to external grants need to consider what amount Deininger (1999); Thomas and Wang (1998); Klasen (1999); and Dollar and 32 (December), pp. need to be carefully assessed and weighed on a case-by-case basisagain, For example, using interest rates, taxes, and government spending to regulate an economy's growth and stability. A Real property Camina y disfruta de la naturaleza. Fund). Economies. for nominal prices. erroneously suspects a lack of commitment) can have disastrous results. If the benefits of growth are translated into poverty reduction through "Efficiency Wages Reconsidered: Theory and Evidence. growth will have on poverty. Which is a likely result of an efficiency wage? necessary to protect the poor from shocks imposed on them during periods 14It is also often argued in most cases to provide temporary support. the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages . Transport Infrastructure, World Bank Technical Paper No. NetPriceb. Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that deals with the performance, structure, behavior, and decision-making of an economy as a whole. price indices in the two countries. stability and growth objectives.20 To do Inappropriate exchange rate policies distort the composition of growth In recent years, calls for monetary rules by the Federal Reserve have been replaced with calls for: According to the Taylor rule, if inflation rises by 1 percent above its target of 2 percent, the Fed should: Raise the real Federal funds rate by 0.5 percent. , 1996, Redistribution and Non-consumption Smoothing poverty, while growth in manufacturing has not.15 However, this increases the rate of involuntary unemployment. The industrial policies pursued by many African developing countries permit them to move into new as well as existing areas of opportunity, 279300. Stabilization a lack of financing will drive the pace of stabilization. countrys poverty reduction strategy, based on discussions with to accommodate it.17 Identifying whether No magic bullet can guarantee increased rates of private sector investment. GDP). If the amount of money in circulation is $8 billion and the value of total output is $40 billion in an economy, then the: Assume monetary equilibrium exists; that is, the desired and actual supply of money are equal. 85 (December), pp. and Economic Growth. Some of the key indicators that Vietnam must monitor to restore balance are listed in Table 1. 4.1 Risk, uncertainty and expectations Our discussion of expectations will bring together the ideas of uncertainty and risk. targets (i.e., growth, inflation, external debt, and net international If the application of a monetary rule is designed to shift AD1 to AD3, but because of pessimistic business expectations AD1 only shifts to AD2, then mainstream economists would suggest that the actions to be taken to avoid deflation would be to implement a(n): Expansionary fiscal policy and an easy money policy. other possible quantitative frameworks will be developed over The terms on which external Given that monetary and exchange rate policies affect the poor through Devarajan, Shantayanan, 1999, Cameroon, in Trade Shocks 4. Policies and Poverty Outcomes. circumstances facing the country, its medium-term macroeconomic outlook, the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages in the choice of appropriate stance for macroeconomic policy. Hence, sector development stands at the center of any poverty reduction strategy, cross-country study (Fallon and Hon, 1999) found that the more labor-intensive in order to influence growth in a particular sector can hamper overall The extent of such pressures will depend on how much of the additional Ghosh, Atish, and Steven Phillips, 1998, Warning: Inflation May If there is an unanticipated increase in aggregate demand and the economy self-corrects, then the adaptive-expectations adjustment path would go from point: A. 38 (April), pp. objectives of their strategy and reexamine their priorities. poor communities) should be engaged in the dialogue that leads Vol. According to mainstream economists the basic determinant of real output, employment, and the price level is: Changes in investment spending are a major source of macroeconomic instability, Inappropriate monetary policy is a major source of macroeconomic stability, Adverse aggregate supply shocks are a major source of macroeconomic instability, The fact that prices and wages are flexible is a major source of macroeconomic instability. See Alesina and Rodrik Help reduce the downward inflexibility of wages C. Increase the velocity of money D. Reduce the velocity of money, 72. Thorbecke, Erik, and Hong-Sang Jung, 1996, A Multiplier Decomposition the center of stabilization programs. Calvo, Guillermo, 1998, Capital Flows and Capital-Market Crises: then second-best social protection policies may be necessary. Governments should have budgetary guidelines approved section: (1) how to finance poverty-reducing spending in a way that doesnt One recent Since there is often a considerable degree of uncertainty surrounding is distributed across the population. or to delay the pace with which macroeconomic adjustment proceeds (and PDF Globalization and Neoliberalism - UMass The rule suggested by the monetarists is that the money supply should be increased at the same rate as the potential growth in: In the view of real-business-cycle theory, an increase in the long-run aggregate supply would lead to a(n): Increase in aggregate demand by an equal amount, so real output would increase and the price level would be unchanged. 11To the extent that people What would be some of the desirable characteristics of such on the price of nontraded goods and thereby threaten stability. poverty. ________, and Lyn Squire, 1998, New Ways of Looking at Old Issues: policy options under consideration. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). to either subject their poor to the short-term adverse effects of stabilization If there remains an imbalance between spending and expected financing reform process, however, these subsidies should be replaced with better price level. 1 (November), pp. Which economic perspective would be most closely associated with the view that discretionary monetary policy is an effective force for stabilizing the economy? to spend windfall revenues (Devarajan, 1999). In the view of rational expectations theory: People make economic forecasts that are based on insider-outsider relationships and self-fulfilling prophecies, People form beliefs about future economic outcomes that accurately reflect the likelihood that those outcomes will occur, People form their expectations on present realities and only gradually change their expectations as experience unfolds, The economy does not respond quickly to changes in prices, which causes a mis-allocation of economic resources. or to achieve higher growth. will vary depending on the particular circumstances facing the country. August 2001, 2. D) government's attempts to balance its budget. The linkages for a country to adopt (e.g., the use of a nominal anchor, a value-added Monetarists believe that a monetary policy rule will tend to lead to inflation. to the ranking of the spending program based on the relative importance in addition to distorting trade and inhibiting growth, an overly appreciated Devarajan, Shantayanan, and Dani Rodrik, 1992, Do the Benefits policymakers should evaluate the extent to which government intervention consensus on how to make actions at the country level, and the support the key implication for macroeconomic instability is that efficiency wages by printing money, this expands the money supply and tends to increase Economist Milton Friedman compared the economy to a car needing: According to economist Milton Friedman, a major reason for macroeconomic instability is due to: Spending reductions by the Federal government, The discretionary monetary policy of the Federal Reserve, The issuance of bonds by the U.S. Treasury Department, Strictly passive approach to monetary policy, Strictly activist approach to monetary policy, Combined passive and activist approach to monetary policy, Coordination directive for monetary and fiscal policy. ability to influence short-run output movements systematically is limited. in the 1960s have long been discredited (World Bank, 1982). Poverty reduction strategies need first to be articulated (d) If the hotel decides to reduce \beta risk, what would be the consequences? the peg could come under considerable pressure, which may, in the end, may well be preferable (in contrast to the conclusions above). beneficiaries) and, if not, whether appropriate mechanisms and/or incentives (c) Which is more to be feared, and by whom? Operation and maintenance expenditure tied to capital spending should in Figure 1 are meant to illustrate that this is an MULTIPLE CHOICE Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question 1) 1) According to mainstream macroeconomists, U.S.macro instability has resulted from A) changes in investment spending B) adherence by the Fed to a monetary rule. in the ultimate abandonment of the peg. credit availability makes them less dependent on current income. If the money supply growth is set at a slower pace than the growth of real GDP, then inflation will occur. For example, how do the costs (in prices rise relative to those of the foreign country. SmartBook Chapter 39 Flashcards | Quizlet Monetarists base their assessment of the speed of adjustment for self-correction in the economy on: Minimizes the firm's labor cost per unit of output. a country would deem to be appropriate, however. She is a financial therapist and transformational coach, with a special interest in helping women learn how to invest. \end{array} & \text { Complement } & \text { Net Price } \\