"Ismail Qemali", n.n., 50 000 Gjakov, Republika e Kosovs. View 1576160116-Gentina Bunjaku_Punim Diplome.pdf from ENGLISH 115 at Elba High Sch. Studenti, sipas regjimit t studimeve dhe n baz t plan-programit msimor, sht i obliguar q t kryej t gjitha detyrimet e parapara. Metodn hulumtuese duke paraqitur prgjithsisht at ka e karakterizon autorin. Punime diplome. Email [email protected] Adresa. Modeli pr Punimin e Tems t Masterit. Energjia n fizik Detyra Kursi Shqip. Rr. Fakulteti i Shkencave Aplikative; Fakulteti i Shkencave Sociale; Tel. master shkencor: infermieri e prgjithshme Osmani, P. and Pajaziti, N. (2021) Predicative clauses in albanian language, Journal of Educational and Social Research, 11(1), pp. Administrata Qendrore e UP-s (ndrtesa e Biblioteks Universitare), Rr. 10 000 Prishtin, Republika e Kosovs, All Rights Reserved. I will never forget the time I spent in Prishtina. Zgjedhja e lndve dhe grupeve n sems pr semestrin veror t vitit akademik 2022/2023. Fakulteti i Edukimit, institucion udhheqs n Kosov pr prgatitjen e msimdhnsve dhe profesionistve arsimor, kompetent n zbatimin e praktikave inovative t msimdhnies, t nxnit dhe krkimit q synojn zhvillimin e potencialit maksimal t secilit individ n funksion t zhvillimit t qndrueshm t vendit dhe n prputhje me trendet e doi: 10.52462/jlls.154. Krkes pr lejimin e tems pr diplom n studimet Master. t mundshme pr studimet e tyre. Gazetar i ri, me pasion q krkon t Universiteti i Prishtins (UP) sht universitet publik n Prishtin, Kosov. Logoni me t dhenat e llogaris n e-albania, Universiteti i Tirans ka vn n prdorim pr studentt e FHF-s platformn e komunikimit Microsoft Office 365 Education pjes e s cils sht dhe aplikacioni Microsoft Teams. Ofron 19 (nntmbdhjet . 4 diplome fakulteti i mjekesise tem diplome fakulteti i mjekesise suchas de punim diplome juridik fushe civile 209 97 164 66 teme diplome uamd edu al tem diplome . Kjo sht mundsia Juaj. ofrojm studentve gjithka kan nevoj pr t arritur Ofron krkime shkencore, prmirsimin e kurrikulave msimore, mundsin e pjesmarrjes n konferenca e konkurse kombtare dhe ndrkombtare. Fakulteti i Edukimit; Fakulteti i Filologjis . Teme Diplome Fakulteti Mjeksise Teme Diplome Fakulteti Mjeksise Teme Diplome Universiteti Aleksandr Moisiu Durrs. Victimization in 5th grade in the city of Skenderaj. (2021) An approach to education - second language acquisition and literature-students standpoint and issues, Journal of Educational and Social Research, 11(2), pp. #uibm, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NEW ACHIEVEMENTS IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ARTS - ICNA-STA (4 th - 5 th May 2023), Fakulteti i Inxhinieris Mekanike dhe Kompjuterike, Punimet e Diploms Fakulteti i Edukimit, https://www.umib.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Vj, Aktivitete sociale t studentve dhe stafit akad, Students with reading difficulties in fifth grade in Mitrovica and the impact of this difficulty on their success, Students with writing difficulties in fifth grade in Mitrovica and the impact of this difficulty on their success, Inteligjenca emocionale dhe arritjet akademike t nxnsve n klasn iv dhe v n komunn e vushtrris, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Students in Grades IV and V in the Municipality of Vushtrri, Viktimizimi n klast e v-ta n qytetin e Skenderajt, Victimization in 5th grade in the city of Skenderaj, Aplikimi i metodave msimore nga msimdhnsit, Application of teaching methods by teachers, Format e motivimit t jashtm t prdorura nga msimdhnsit e shkollave fillore t qytetit t Vushtrris, Forms of external motivation used by Vushtrri / Vucitrn elementary school teachers, Vshtirsit dhe rrjedhshmria e t lexuarit te, Difficulties and fluency in reading to third grade students in Mitrovica city schools, Shqyrtim analitik i planeve pr or msimore sipas kkk (2016) rast studimi komuna mitrovic, Analytical overview of lesson plans according to CCC (2016) - case study Mitrovica municipality, Lidhshmria e temperamentit me arritjet akademike t fmijve n klasat (iv - v) n komunn e vushtrris, Relationship of temperament with children's academic achievement in grades (iv - v) in vushtrri municipality, Frika dhe burimet e saj tek fmijt e moshs 11 vje n qytetin e vushtrris, Fear and its resources among children aged 11 in the town of Vushtrri, Lidhmria ndrmjet statusit socio-ekonomik dhe stileve t prindrimit me arritjen akademike t nxnsve n mitrovic, Relationship between socioeconomic status and parenting styles with students' academic achievement in Mitrovica, Lidhja n mes inteligjencs emocionale dhe performancs s puns s msimdhnsve, The link between emotional intelligence and teacher performance performance, Qasjet metodologjike n edukimin e hershm n kosov, Methodological Approaches to Early Education in Kosovo. Restorante Read Online Detyra Kursi Fakulteti I Historis Filologjise UNIVERSITETI I PRISHTINS Fakulteti Ekonomik Prishtin March 24th, 2018 - Fakulteti Ekonomik Prishtin Pas prfundimit t ktij kursi lnde studenti do t jet n Detyra t shtpis Detyra Kursi Te Gatshme Dega Lenda Tema Academia edu Erasmus+ n "Adam Mickiewicz University" Poloni. Gazetarin Investigative, nj mundsi e shklqyer fshs.edu.al. Studimet e ciklit t dyt Master i shkencave prmbyllen me punim diplome dhe n prfundim t tyre lshohet diplom Master i shkencave n fushn e arsimimit t kryer. Raporti i ankesave Master i Shkencave n Histori, drejtimi: 4. Zeqir Hashani, i shoqruar nga MSc. Nga data 29 janar deri m 05 shkurt 2022, studentt nga drejtimi i Infermieris t Fakultetit t Mjeksis t Universitetit "Fehmi Agani". Kursi i vers: 140 or Deklarat Nn prgjegjsin time deklaroj se ky punim me titull "Ndikimi i shpenzimeve . Master i Shkencave n Gazetari, drejtimi: elen Aplikimet n programet e Studimit t ciklit t, FHF: Fituesit e programit t studimit Master i, elen aplikimet n programet e studimit t ciklit t, Departamenti i Arkeologjis dhe i Trashgimis Kulturore, Departamenti i Gazetaris dhe i Komunikimit, Programi i Kursit t Gjuhs Shqipe pr t Huaj sht bazuar n Kuadrin e Prbashkt Evropian t Referencave pr Gjuht. Powered by University of Prishtina, Programi Ndrkombtar pr Shkmbim ERASMUS+ (ICM), Universiteti Veror Ndrkombtar i Prishtins, Projektet e Erasmus+ n Universitetin e Prishtins, Publikimet e financuara nga Universiteti i Prishtins, Njoftimet pr mbrojtjen publike t temave t doktoraturs, Fakulteti i Inxhinieris Elektrike dhe Kompjuterike, UP-ja dhe MASHT-i me nism t prbashkt pr zhvillimin e shkollave dhe prmirsimin e cilsis n arsimin parauniversitar, Telegram ngushllimi me rastin e ndarjes nga jeta t Profesorit Vesel Latifi, Organizimi i trajnimeve pr stafin akademik t UP-s n kuadr t projektit INTERBA mbshtetur nga programi Erasmus+, monitoruar nga partnert e EU-s. Pr her t par, hapet kt vit Masteri n Kryetar 2 antar 3. antar Komisoni Vlersues e vlersoi punimin me noten: Nenshkrimet e antarve t Komisionit Vlersues: 1. Afati i ankesave sht deri m datn 23.09.2022 n& Universiteti Fehmi Agani n Gjakov n vazhden e aktiviteteve pr t qen sa m afr dhe n shrbim studentve gjat Ministri i Zhvillimit Rajonal z. Enis Kervan u takua me prfaqsuesit e Universitetit t Gjakovs Fehmi Agani t prir nga Rektori Prof. Ass. FAKULTETI I BUJQSIS DHE VETERINARIS DEPARTAMENTI: AGROEKONOMI PUNIM DIPLOME - MASTER Ndikimi i shpenzimeve t qeveris mbi rritjen ekonomike n Kosov Kandidate: Mentore: BSc. pr t gjith ata q duan t mprehin aftsin e tyre Gazetar i ri, me pasion q krkon t Studimet n kt program prmbyllen me punim diplome dhe studentt pajisen me diplom t integruar n fushn e arsimimit t kryer.Pr informacione m t detajuara ju lutemi drejtohuni n linket e mposhtme t Fakulteteve. tema diplome te gatshme fakulteti i ped by Hidaka Yanagisawa. Rihapja e SEMS pr paraqitje t provimeve - Afati Janarit 2023. Ather, ky program Master, sht pr ty! 831845. Punim Diplome - Raimonda Krasniqi 27.09.2022 : Shkarko : Punim Diplome - Anila Kameri 22.09.2022 : Shkarko : Punim Diplome - Ali Beqiraj 22.09.2022 : Shkarko : Punim Diplome - Eliona Rrahmani 22.09.2022 : Shkarko : Punim Diplome - Veronika Nokaj 19.09.2022 : Shkarko : Punim Diplome - Merita Agushi 19.09.2022 : Shkarko : Punim Diplome - Fatlinda . Fakulteti i Edukimit dhe Filologjis; Fakulteti i Bujqsis; Fakulteti i Ekonomis; Fakulteti i Shkencave Natyrore dhe Shkencave Humane; Studentet. FSHN sht gjithashtu institucion i rndsishm pr prgatitjen e msuesve pr shkollat e mesme n lndt msimore t matematiks, fiziks, kimis, biologjis dhe . Misioni yn sht ti Ofron krkime shkencore, prmirsimin e kurrikulave msimore, mundsin e pjesmarrjes n konferenca e konkurse kombtare dhe ndrkombtare. U.d. Rr. Powered by University of Prishtina, Programi Ndrkombtar pr Shkmbim ERASMUS+ (ICM), Universiteti Veror Ndrkombtar i Prishtins, Projektet e Erasmus+ n Universitetin e Prishtins, Publikimet e financuara nga Universiteti i Prishtins, Njoftimet pr mbrojtjen publike t temave t doktoraturs, UP-ja dhe MASHT-i me nism t prbashkt pr zhvillimin e shkollave dhe prmirsimin e cilsis n arsimin parauniversitar, Telegram ngushllimi me rastin e ndarjes nga jeta t Profesorit Vesel Latifi, Organizimi i trajnimeve pr stafin akademik t UP-s n kuadr t projektit INTERBA mbshtetur nga programi Erasmus+, monitoruar nga partnert e EU-s. tema e diplomes 1. universiteti polis fakulteti planifikim, mjedisi dhe menaxhim urban master i shkencave ne planifikim dhe menaxhim urban tetor 2010- qershor 2015 tema: migrimi i popullsise nga bashkia e hasit dhe mundesit e rikthimit n vendin e origjins nprmjet zhvillimit t qndrueshm rural studenti: vera ukperaj udhheqsi: prof.dr.sherif lushaj tirane, qershor 2015 12101224. UT sht vendi i duhur. "George Bush", p.n. N disa fakultete dhe institute, studenti sht i obliguar q t punoj punime t seminarit . 01/02/2022. Powered by University of Prishtina. Titulli Dokumenti. fshehta publikut. Mrasori, N. and Kryeziu, N. (2021) Traces of Stefan Zweig Reception in Albanian, Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(4), pp. Leonora Bunjaku. Master i Shkencave n Letrsi, drejtimi: 3. Fakulteti i Shkencave Sociale. 899910. Pr m shum informacion klikoni linkun e mposhtm, Logoni me llogarin tuaj emr_mbiemr.fhfstudent@unitir.edu.al, Rregullore e Posame e Universitetit t Tirans mbi mnyrn e zhvillimit t provimeve online, Udhzues i Universitetit t Tirans pr zhvillimin e msimit n distanc, Rregullore pr Mbrojtjen, prpunimin, ruajtjen dhe sigurin e t dhnave personale n Universitetin e Tirans. PDF. Publikohen punimet shkencore t Prof. Asoc. 1. Eshte universiteti m i madh dhe m i vjeter n Kosov. 7381. Punime diplome Vendime Organogrami i Njsive Akademike Programi i zhvillimit 2020 -2024 i Fakultetit t Filologjis Tjera T ndryshme Bordi Kshilldhns pr Ndrmarrsi Komisioni pr sigurim t cilsis Hulumtimet Postimet e fundit Orari i provimeve n departamentin Gjuh dhe Letrsi An. Master i Shkencave n Gjuh, drejtimi: "Gjuhsi e sotme"; "Gjuhsi historike"; 2. Regjistrimi i kandidateve t pran Programi Gjuh Shqipe dhe Letrsi Back to top About 21342141. Republika e Kosovs, Rektorati: Punim Diplome - L.Halili & T.Lleshaj 14.01.2019, Punim Diplome - M.Tosic & B.Binakaj 17.12.2018, Punim Diplome - F.Krasniqi & B.Shala 14.12.2018, Punim Diplome - B.Tertini & M.Oruqi 14.12.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Smajli & A.Musa 11.12.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Morina & U.Emini 10.12.2018, Punim Diplome - L.Ljaic & A.Mehmetaj 07.12.2018, Punim Diplome - L.Shala & E.Hysenaj 07.12.2018, Punim Diplome - Laureta Muharremaj 07.12.2018, Punim Diplome -Liridona Komani 07.12.2018, Punim Diplome - D.Tola & A.Zeneli 07.12.2018, Punim Diplome - E.Kola & E.Alija 07.12.2018, Punim Diplome - F.Gashi & A.Milla 04.12.2018, Punim Diplome - G.Bregaj & A.Berisha 04.12.2018, Punim Diplome - Gj.Molliqaj & A.Krasniqi 03.12.201, Punim Diplome - S.Tarashaj & Sh.Kuka 30.11.2018, Punim Diplome - Martina Gojani 30.11.2018, Punim Diplome - D.Hajdari & S.Shaqiri 30.11.2018, Punim Diplome - F.Palushi & A.Hasanmetaj 30.11.201, Punim Diplome - Klodian Neziraj 30.11.2018, Punim Diplome - L.Nreca & R.Prendaj 30.11.2018, Punim Diplome - E.Avdyli & D.Bardhaj 30.11.2018, Punim Diplome - Leundrita Xhafiqi 27.11.2018, Punim Diplome - E.Hoda & F.Fetahaj 27.11.2018, Punim Diplome - F.Hoxhaj & D.Berisha 26.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Selimaj & D.Thaqi 26.11.2018, Punim Diplome - K.Pnishi & Sh.Isufi 26.11.2018, Punim Diplome - L.Perolli & B.Rama 23.11.2018, Punim Diplome - M.Nrejaj & R.Gojani 23.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Himaj & Y.Hajdaraj 23.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Kryeziu & E.Morina 23.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Halili & A.Susuri 21.11.2018, Punim Diplome - D.Maglic & A.Hoti 21.11.2018, Punim Diplome - M.Osmanaj & M.Delija 21.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Latifaj & B.Latifaj 21.11.2018, Punim Diplome - E.Morina & E.Morina 21.11.2018, Punim Diplome - B.Capo & F.Qiqollar 21.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Grezda &Sh.Kida 21.11.2018, Punim Diplome - Mirlinda Emini 20.11.2018, Punim Diplome - Ermira Baxhaku 20.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Beluli & V.Haziraj 19.11.2018, Punim Diplome - D.Shala & A.Hasani 19.11.2018, Punim Diplome - J.Gjota &A.Jusaj 19.11.2018, Punim Diplome - E.Rrukaj & A.Nikaj 19.11.2018, Punim Diplome - E.Ramaj & A.Batusha 19.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Krasniqi & A.Sadrija 16.11.2018, Punim Diplome - B.Gjema & E.Krasniqi 16.11.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Mula & B. Hoxhaj 09.11.2018, Punim Diplome - Maida Hajrullahu 23.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Belinda Rrustemaj 27.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Adelina Smajli 26.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Jerena Nikollaj 26.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Afrdita Shllaku 26.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Violeta Sylejmani 26.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Adriatik Nitaj 19.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Hyrisha Kastrati 19.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Agron Brahimaj 16.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Dafina Brahimaj 16.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Arbnesha Rexhepi 15.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Antigona Mulaj 09.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Ornela Hajdaraj 01.10.2018, Punim Diplome - Jetmire Morina dhe Mirlanda Mulaj, Punim Diplome - Iliriana Nimani 08.06.2018, Punim Diplome - F.Gjoka, L.Islami 01.06.2018, Punim Diplome - Shkelqesa Kameri 01.06.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Burgija, B.Ismajli 29.05.2018, Punim Diplome - Rrushe Rrustemi 29.05.2018, Punim Diplome - Marigona Morina 29.05.2018, Punim Diplome - Xheneta Bajraktari 25.05.2018, Punim Diplome - B.Halilaj, A.Osmani 16.03.2018, Punim Diplome - V.Rrustemaj, Sh.Avdyli 23.03.2018, Punim Diplome - S.Pajaziti, F.Taraku 26.03.2018, Punim Diplome - R.Agaj, B.Gjugja 23.03.2018, Punim Diplome - M.Delija, G.Morina 21.03.2018, Punim Diplome - G.Rrustemi, A.Thaqi 30.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Gj.Gjocaj, L.Pozhegu 13.03.2018, Punim Diplome - E.Ajdini, E.Berisha 20.03.2018, Punim Diplome - D.Hoti, F.Bajrami 19.03.2018, Punim Diplome - B.Halili, E.Hyseni 16.03.2018, Punim Diplome - B.Kelmendi, D.Ademaj 30.03.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Ramaj, M.Ademaj 09.03.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Sallahaj, B.Qorraj 27.03.2018, Punim Diplome - A.Nuza, E.Nuza 16.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Mirjeta krasniqi 03.04.2018, Punim Diplome - Liridona Jakaj 03.04.2018, Punim Diplome - Qndresa Veseli 03.04.2018, Punim Diplome - Qndresa Thai 03.04.2018, Punim Diplome - Medina Kelmendi 03.04.2018, Punim Diplome - Rrezarta Zekaj 30.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Gentian Pruthi 30.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Emirjeta Ukshini 30.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Armonda Kortoi 27.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Arjeta Jetishi 26.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Enkela Ukshini 26.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Kujtesa Dobrunaj 23.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Diellza Hajdari 23.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Selvije Ibrahimi 23.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Albina Bajramaj 23.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Gentiana Ahmetaj 23.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Afrdita Thaqi 19.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Qendresa Halili 19.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Agnesa Ibrahimi 19.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Arijeta Gojani 19.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Arlinda Kasumaj 16.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Rezolina Mavraj 16.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Jetmira Kuana 16.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Dorentina Hasanaj 13.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Gentijana Gjoklaj 13.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Krenare Kelmendi 13.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Arbnesha Shala 12.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Arjeta Ukshini 09.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Sevdije Idrizi 09.03.2018, Punim Diplome - Edonjeta Istrefaj 13.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Mendim Avdimetaj 12.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Fatmire Qovanaj 12.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Blerta Bajrami 12.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Suzana Haxhijaj 06.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Ardijana Kusari 06.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Vjendita Ahmeti 04.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Mirjeta Istrefaj 04.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Arlinda Ahmeti 04.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Krenare Xharra 04.12.2017, Punim Diplome - Agnesa Dabiqaj 29.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Kujtesa Berisha 29.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Sabina Biblekaj 29.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Arlinda Xhuveri 27.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Sidorela Bytyqi 27.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Filloreta Gashi 27.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Arlinda Krasniqi 27.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Shkodran Morina 24.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Marigona Prenaj 24.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Elvina Berisha 22.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Valfiona Dervishaj 22.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Mirlinda Batusha 22.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Lendita Bellacerka 20.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Shpejtim Berisha 17.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Ardian Kryeziu 13.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Bajram Ahmetaj 10.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Florentina Panxha 10.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Leutrim Islamaj 03.11.2017, Punim Diplome - Gentian Zejnaj 31.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Esmiralda Sefaj 30.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Qndresa Brahimaj 30.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Kaltrina Thaqi 30.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Arnesa Hasanaj 27.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Mergim Haziraj 23.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Dijamina Llutfiu 23.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Merita Muzlija 13.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Valentina Luma 13.10.2017, Punim Diplome - Shqipe Krasniqi 16.06.2017, Punim Diplome - Kristijana Berisha 12.06.2017, Punim Diplome - Marigona Isufi 19.05.2017, Punim Diplome - Naime Kastrati 19.05.2017, Punim Diplome - Andrita Kurhasku 19.05.2017, Punim Diplome - Laureta Zeneli 25.04.2017, Punim Diplome - Filloreta Shala 03.04.2017, Punim Diplome - Merita Prenkaj 28.03.2017, Punim Diplome - Erdonita Halilaj 28.03.2017, Punim Diplome - Jetmira Vishaj 28.03.2017, Punim Diplome - Elizabeta Krasniqi 20.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Adriana Abdullahu 13.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Elizabeta Pervorfi 10.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Almira Llolluni 10.02.207, Punim Diplome - Dorentina Gjugja 10.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Edona Haxhijaj 08.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Nasibe Kryeziu 08.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Mariana Nikollbibaj 08.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Besarta Nikollbibaj 08.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Ilirjana Dedaj 01.02.2017, Punim Diplome - Brendona Sinani 31.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Vlora Bajraktari 31.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Dafina Hasanaj - 31.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Ardrit Mirakaj, 23.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Emanuel Prenrecaj, 16.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Fatbardha Elshani, 16.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Dashurije Vosha, 16.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Qendresa Luma, 13.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Majlinda Gaxherri,13.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Leonora Avdijaj, 13.01.2017, Punim Diplome - Donjeta Berisha, 28.12.2016, Punim Diplome - Egzona Dervishaj, 28.12.2016, Punim Diplome - Liridon Sadiku, 28.12.2016, Punim Diplome - Ardijana Gjini, 28.12.2016, Punim Diplome - Saranda Dobraj, 28.12.2016, Punim Diplome - Afrdita Smajli, 28.12.2016, Punim Diplome - Fjorella Malushaj, 21.12.2016, Punim Diplome - Liridona Berisha, 21.12.206, Punim Diplome - Edonesa Jasiqi, 21.12.206, Punim Diplome - Egzona Prenkaj, 21.12.206, Punim Diplome - Arbnore Azgoni, 09.12.2016.