Only check your rearview mirror The primary purpose of traffic laws is to: When the driver is properly seated, the top of the steering wheel should be: Where should the inside rearview mirror be aimed? D. Closed sightline and travel path, When parking on the right shoulder of a hill where there is no curb you should: This results in a slower reaction, which reduces the braking and stopping distance. TRAINING EXERCISE: After viewing the video, try to answer the following questions: Adjust your following distance to appropriately match weather conditions, road conditions, visibility, and traffic. Never insist on it A. The rule gives you just a little extra time in case they hit their brakes unexpectedly. B. A. A. Swerve into the lane next to you Do Not Sell My Personal Information. B. Therefore, it is important to obey traffic laws, be cautious and patient when near them. You follow no closer than 12 ft The largest industry sector is e-commerce, which generated over $29 trillion in 2017. D. Define safe paths of travel. Where Do Blind Spot Mirrors Go on a Truck? Following too closely can also increase the risk of collision. You can change the traffic light to green whereby the first car continues its speed, but the traffic light time changes very quickly to red, whereby the first car stops, but the car behind cannot stop. If you're too close, you won't be able to see the road ahead and the driver of the long vehicle might not be able to see you in their mirrors. 1 year 4. C. Drink plenty of black coffee, B. D. 90 days, A conviction of Driving While Impaired with a BAC of .15 or more, or another conviction within the past ten years will require: Besides the speed that youre driving, the 3-second rule also considers that the other car in front of you needs a certain distance to come to a full stop. WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS IS TRUE ABOUT SLIPPERY ROAD SURFACES? B. Which Side of a Semi-Truck Has the Biggest Blind Spot? This will give you more time to react in case the vehicle in front of you slams on the brakes or hits another car. B. C. Merge into the bike lane to make a turn, C. Merge into the bike lane to make a turn, IF ANOTHER DRIVER "CUTS" IN FRONT OF YOU, IT WOULD BE BETTER IF YOU: Following motorcycles or bicycles Click the card to flip . The application of brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes, resulting in maximum braking? Large trucks have a much larger blind spot than a car, so youll have to give them plenty of room to stop. Because following too closely will get you caught in the vehicle's slipstream. B. The faster youre driving, the longer it will take for you to stop. Following the rules of the road whether its the speed limit or traffic direction can make all the difference for you and the drivers in your vicinity. A. Do not drive too slowly because other drivers may hit you Remember to also: double your following distance in poor conditions. They are much heavier than a passenger vehicle and need more space to make turns. These huge trucks carry heavy loads and if they slam on their brakes, the load could come loose and cause a very serious accident. B. C. Traffic ahead of you is traveling below the speed limit Approaching bicyclists CHARTER XXVJII (continued) Up the hills of North Sydney the police car forged its way, with never a falter. B. Some large vehicles like trucks and buses can block your vision when you follow too closely. What is the Largest Blind Spot on a Large Truck? Your engine will overheat. Under no circumstances because it is always legal As such, you must give the driver ample time to react and avoid collisions. Explanation Drivers of trucks, buses, vans, or cars pulling campers or trailers may slow down suddenly without knowing you are behind them. What Is a Safe Following Distance? - Nationwide Click the answer to find similar crossword clues . Do not follow closely behind a truck or a bus. Your field of vision will be seriously reduced. A. It is illegal unless you wait in the vehicle B. Red arrows are only used for protected turn lanes When following a truck, drivers should keep a safe distance. Slow down by pumping the brakes quickly and firmly A. [1], There will be times when you should increase your distance beyond three seconds. For a foot fetishist, points of attraction may include the shape and size of feet, feet soles, toes, jewelry (e.g., toe rings, anklets, etc. B. These vehicles can fall more easily, so its best to be safe with a greater following distance. California Drivers Ed DMV Permit Practice Test Answers 38 Putting the 3-second rule into place can help make this easier and keep you from getting involved in an automobile accident. If youredriving alongside semi-trucks, try to stay about 300 feet or 20 car lengths back. Steering technique which permits the driver to make steering inputs while keeping both hands on the wheel. Quiz 7 - Jotform Following a large vehicle. When driving a big truck, you must remember that you are operating a huge machine. Slow down and keep a further distance away from the next vehicle during the situations listed below: [1, 2]. Underline the formula of the precipitate (solid) that forms. This will increase your safety and the safety of others on the road. While its important to be aware of the cars in front of you, you should also be aware of vehicles behind you. Describe clothing features that would be especially appreciated by someone who uses a wheelchair. D. Shutting headlights off, What are two psychological effects of other drugs on the driving task? So keep these thoughts in mind: Brake quickly When backing straight, how should you position your body? Driving too close to the car in front of you can often lead to accidents and rear-end collisions. A. B. D. eight, YOU ARE IN A TRUCK'S BLIND SPOT IF: B. All galaxies outside the Local Group show a red shift. C. Increases fuel efficiency. If you are riding in this position, not only will the trucker be unable to see you, but the truck will block your view of the road ahead. B. D. Steering through curves, What can you do to help you back in a straight line? PDF CHAPTER 4 THE DRIVING TASK - Idaho Transportation Department following a vehicle too closely causes over 30 percent of all rear-end collisions. Raised roadway markers on the roadway and the shoulder are used to: If your vehicle is equipped with safety belts, WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRAFFIC LIGHTS WITH RED ARROWS AND THOSE WITH SOLID RED LIGHTS? Not only is this discourteous, it is dangerous; it reduces the space cushion large vehicles require in order to stop safely. B. Why should the driver increase the following distance when following a large truck? Basically, you should always allow three full seconds between yourself and the vehicle in front of you. B. Once again safety is the main concern. A large vehicle following closely behind it - Within the Local Group, some show a red shift and some show a blue shift. B. Official websites use .govA .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. Another name for limited provisional liscence. Basically, you should always allow three full seconds between yourself and the vehicle in front of you. C. Lack of driving skill, FLASH FLOODS CAN CAUSE VEHICLES TO FLOAT AND FILL WITH WATER, TRAPPING AND DROWNING PEOPLE. Many car drivers follow large vehicles closely during bad weather, especially when it is hard to see the road ahead. This questions appears in the following tests: Wisconsin Practice Test 43 B. Read on to see how to create a safe following distance and practice defensive driving. Look beyond your range of headlights Real 2023 DMV Questions - DMV Written Tests B. Turn right after you have come to a complete stop Thats why maintaining a safe following distance is critical to safe driving. Keeping headlights on Sharing the road | Driving a bus | Your speed relative to others, and your ability to accelerate C. To warn others of bad conditions, BEFORE GETTING OUT OF YOUR PARKED CAR ON THE TRAFFIC SIDE OF THE STREET, YOU SHOULD: C. The speed and distance of oncoming traffic, and possible hazards A. With defensive driving, you can help ensure you have the time you need to react and find safety in case you do come across something potentially harmful. D. Pedestrians on the cross street have the right-of-way, A. A. B. Reaction distances can be as short as a millisecond or they could be several seconds long! Click the card to flip . On country roads drivers often become impatient when behind trucks but you should not take unnecessary risks when overtaking. B. Intersectional U-turn If you don't, you can easily hit the rear of the vehicle. Far enough to see cross traffic A. Following closely behind another vehicle (tailgating): Increases fuel efficiency. 3-point or Y-turn 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE A. B. when parking on the right shoulder of a hill where there is no curb you should, turn the front wheels so they point to the side of the road, a large vehicle following closely behind is a, closed sightline and travel path to the rear, when you look far and near and side to side you are, Detecting potentially threatening objects or conditions in traffic mostly depends on, Managing space to the front of your car requires a following distance of atleast, The primary purpose of traffic laws are to, better enable highway users to predict the actions of other users, the purpose of a diamond shaped yellow sign with black markings is to, signs that tell a driver of a possible danger a short distance ahead and allows the driver time to safely minimize risk, signs that help drivers get to their destination by identifying routes well in advance, signs that tell the driver about specific laws that a driver must obey, signs that are temporary and let you know when you should be prepared to stop or detour due to an unplanned event, signs that are rectangle or diamond shape and orange in color with black lettering, the imaginary line that extends from your eyes to the point of focus, how far your vehicle will travel, in ideal conditions; while you are braking, checking sides and rear for speed and lane position options, the space into which you can safely direct your vehicle with the lowest possible risk, detects changes in color and object movement, providing you with info about moving or stationary objects that could be threats along the intended path of travel, an area 20 to 30 seconds from the front of the vehicle and is critical in gaining as much info as possible from the driving scene, provides detail of objects and conditions and is the primary visual function employed in targeting, the entire area of the highway and surroundings that you can see at the given moment, when adjusting the mirror to this setting, the side of the vehicle is visible in the mirror, when adjusting the mirror to this setting, the driver will not see the left and right sides of the vehicle when glancing at the outside mirrors, steering technique which permits the driver to make steering inputs while keeping both hands on the wheel, releasing brake pressure from the brake pedal allowing the low idle of the engine to move the vehicle forward, application of the brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes, resulting in maximum braking capability, braking done with sufficient pressure to slow the vehicle, steering technique well suited when speed of the steering movement is critical, such as skid recovery in a rear wheel traction loss, light accelerator pressure allows a slow forward motion of the vehicle, releasing the accelerator to stop the vehicle's forward propulsion, interchange used when a road that has little traffic crosses a busy expressway, roadways which typically carry a high volume of traffic with many hazards involved and can be of varying speeds (25-55mph) depending on the area and location, high-speed roadways that typically carry a high volume of traffic, interchange enables drivers to proceed in either direction on either highway, lane near the entrance or exit of an expressway used by vehicles to enter or exit, locations where a driver can enter and exit the expressway, interchange used where a side forms a T intersection with an expressway, roadways that carry a low volume of traffic and can be of varying speeds (25-55mph), results when a situation, event, object or person draws a driver's focus away from driving, when drivers maintain eye contact with a crash scene, even beyond the point that they pass the scene, a type of distraction that takes the driver's mind away from the road, such as engaging in conversation with a passenger or thinking about something that happened that day, occurs when a driver's attention drifts away from driving without having been influenced by a situation, event, or person, requires drivers to slow and change lanes when approaching a roadside incident, such as an emergency vehicle stopped on the side of the road, the distance a vehicle travels while making a stop, when passing someone riding a bike ahead of you. By using the 3-second rule, youll have a constant safety net out on the road. Following too closely may be defined as, situations in which one vehicle is following another vehicle so closely that even if the following driver is attentive to the actions of the vehicle ahead he/she could not avoid a collision in the circumstance when the driver in front brakes suddenly."14. Always watch your speed and following distance when driving inweather conditionslike rain, snow, or ice. Towards the road THE DANGER OF FOLLOWING TRUCKS TOO CLOSELY - Tiemann Law Firm C. Closed travel path to the rear The good news is there are several factors that must occur to actually trigger a rate 2023 NexLearn, LLC. A. If a tailgater is behind you, allow some extra space between your vehicle and the one in front of you, and avoid sudden braking. Braking distance can be greatly affected by road surfaces, weather conditions such as rain, ice, and snow, or debris.78, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Analysis, Research, and Technology Division, Last updated: Wednesday, February 11, 2015, United States Department of Transportation, National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners, ADA Requirements for Over-the-Road Bus Companies, Apply for a New USDOT Number and/or Authority, Pocket Guide to Large Truck and Bus Statistics. First, avoid swerving, cutting off the truck, and allowing your headlights to shine through the large mirrors. C. Skid recovery B. When Following a Large Truck You Should? - The road ahead has many curves A. Nationwide Investment Services Corporation, member FINRA. When following a large vehicle you should? - when approaching and driving through a construction zone, you should: slow your speed and adjust your vehicle's position, The three areas of an entrance to an expressway are, entrance ramp, acceleration lane, and the merge area, reduce your speed and increase your following distance, approach the curve in the right portion, then accelerate out of the apex, drivers who text are ______ more times likely to get involved in a crash, driving at night, under 55-60mph, no other cars in sight, in bad weather, around cars at night, under 40-45 mph, what do you do if approaching vehicle has high beams on. Explanation When there are no vehicles approaching nearby, HOW SHOULD CHILDREN UNDER 13 YEARS OLD BE POSITIONED IN MOTOR VEHICLES? C. Start braking early as a signal to the driver behind you Secure .gov websites use HTTPS C. Pull off the road, park, remove your ignition key, and rest, C. Pull off the road, park, remove your ignition key, and rest, YOU ARE DRIVING 45 MPH IN A 55 MPH ZONE. Following a truck too closely can result in a deadly rear-end crash for the other vehicle. Is a common cause for rear-end collisions. Also, you should slow down before entering a turn or curve. C. Denote a lane for beginning or ending left-hand turns, B. Other drivers to use when they want to slow down B.) Real 2023 DMV Questions - DMV Written Tests Very slowly on the left and move ahead of it Do you need insurance with a learners permit? Your brakes will overheat. Farther behind the truck than you would for a passenger vehicle. You are involved in an emergency situation, WHEN A YELLOW ARROW APPEARS AS YOU WAIT IN A DEDICATED RIGHT TURN LANE, YOU SHOULD: thats scary tbh Advertisement Advertisement New questions in SAT. In addition, large vehicles have large blind spots that can prevent the driver from seeing what is ahead of them. What are Truck Drivers Blind Spot Called? Open your windows and turn up the radio Forces drivers to come to a complete stop before entering an expressway.