Or are you interested in war medals and their recipients? The following types of searches may be conducted: To locate a soldier, enter the name in the format: last name comma space first name space middle initial (for example, Smith, John D). 94th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment United States Regiments & Batteries > New York > Infantry The 94th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment lost 5 officers and 105 enlisted men killed or mortally wounded and 137 enlisted men to disease during the Civil War. Rives was almost as worried about the muzzle blast of his cannons and spraying machine guns as I he had been of the other enemy fire. I Company walked right into a minefield, and many of the men were seriously wounded. Ateeq U. Rahman (kneeling,. After the armor was eliminated, 1st battalion advanced through the woods. Facing the Americans were the troops of the 713th Regiment of the 416th Infanterie Divisionen. Record of the Ninety-Fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry in the War of the Rebellion. Originally composed of four regiments or battalions, it had been reduced to one by 1797. Nevertheless, it was "warmer than out in the trenches." The casualties suffered by a typical American infantry regiment serving in World War II were horrendous. This is the order of battle of German and Allied forces during the Battle of the Bulge.. Caveat: This Battle lasted more than a month, with assignments in considerable flux.Any hierarchy of unit within Corps within Army within Army Group is inherently a snapshot of a single moment in that flux. The stories about US infantry weapons contained in this book are the real hands-on experiences of the men who actually used them for their intended purposes. 1st battalion, 376th and 2nd battalion, 302nd followed the tankers as they pushed towards Untersie Busch and Sinz. Located at the New York State Library Manuscripts and Special Collections. Simply enter your email address below to start receiving our monthly email newsletter. The plan was to attack key positions within the Triangle in order to wear down the enemy thus forcing him to move his reserves from the Ardennes sector and relieve pressure from the Bulge. Men inscribed for selective service. - Centro TV, November 2016. First 94th Infantry Division Memorial Highway Dedication in New Jersey September 30, 1995. So heavy was the storm that the guides from the IR platoon soon became lost. Duty there till October 11. New York: Marion Colman, MRS Printing, 2004. Colman, Winfield Jesse. The Division that was chosen to replace the 90th was the 66th Division, "the Black Panthers", but one of the troop ships the S.S. Leopoldville which was carrying the 262nd and 264th Infantry regiments of the Division was torpedoed by Oblt. The 94th US Infantry Division was an organization formed late in the Second World War, made up largely of draft-deferred university students as enlisted men and an officer corps pulled together. 17 pages, 2 colour illustrations, 1 225428963561 The snowstorm was blinding. Worman, Edward. Understanding, Preserving, Sharing the Puerto Rican Experience. The Germans still managed to push the GIs back, they captured a few more houses and the towns church. : THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. FOR SALE! ORIGINAL CUT-EDGE WW2 1st FILIPINO INFANTRY REGIMENT PATCH OFF UNIFORM - $16.25. The War Department authorized the creation of the 94 th Infantry Division to be composed of four Porto Rican regiments. Using German prisoners captured earlier to confuse the enemy, Captain Straub led the way. Tortoise snuff mull from the 94th Regiment's mess silver, c1869, VC awarded to Lance Corporal James Murray, 94th Regiment, for braveyat Elandsfontein, 1881. 1844) of Company A, 94th New York Infantry Regiment, to James discussing his return to his company after being gone because of wounds received. Gerhard Meyer in U-486 about six miles from Cherbourg on Christmas Eve. 34 items. The Americans responded with artillery fire and broke up the assault. Looking for reliable information or news facts about WW2? 40s and 8s as it was marked on them. They kept pushing and drove the Germans out of the town proper, they retreated back towards Sinz leaving their dead and wounded to the Americans., Uncle Freddie's 1st Battalion, 301st Infantry would be involved in this intense battle and the battalion would suffer enormous casualties. The trains were designed to carry 40 men or 8 horses. After a mixed battle with the Panzers from 11th Panzer five of the TDs were destroyed and over 20 prisoners taken by the Germans. Frank McIntire, Chief of the Bureau of Insular Affairs, reminded Yager that training in the U.S. would make them [Puerto Ricans] better men on returning to Porto Rico, physically and otherwise, this, even though they should not go abroad at all for service.. The remaining Germans fled north towards Sinz. He passed out, to recover later as a prisoner of war tended by these same German medics. 16 folders (164 items) (0.5 linear ft.). This was the only approach route. Major General Harry J. Malony Commanding General 94th Infantry Division The following is taken fromThe Union army: a history of military affairs in the loyal states, 1861-65 -- records of the regiments in the Union army -- cyclopedia of battles -- memoirs of commanders and soldiers. The 94th Infantry Division had been activated on 15 September 1942 at Fort Custer near Kalamazoo, Michigan. Under the Command of General-Leutnant Wend von Wietersheim. : THREE MONTHS' SERVICE. West Berlin was 100 miles . Co., 1908. volume II. By mid-afternoon, the town was fully secured. The Saar-Moselle triangle began at the meeting point of the Saar and Moselle rivers. A commemorative card with the Lord's Prayer printed in miniature type within a circle with floral border; "H. Heath, artist" below circle. 1 item. Looking in all directions, the group discovered Germans everywhere. After twenty minutes of fire the GIs from A and C Companies advanced in a Pincer movement on the town. The entire battle was over in an hour. Only after concentrated artillery fire on the positions were the men from L Company able to clear the town. Pages 1 - 10 To locate all soldiers in a particular unit, choose the unit designation from . They attacked the right flank in between the two towns. It is honored by a monument at Gettysburg. "First time @NAM_London today. Transcription provided by Heather Jordan. u&M7!oB y&M7!oJ)yySM7%oJ)ySM7 }qr. Collection Call Number: 12183. The men from A company were the only defenders left in Butsdorf and they were hanging on by their fingernails. 1st REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. After they secured the area and mopped up all remaining resistance the men of the 376th were relieved by 2nd battalion of the 302nd Infantry regiment. The attacked commenced during a blizzard with a smoke barrage laid on the approaches to Sinz from a platoon from the 81st Chemical Mortar Battalion. FOR SALE! Low price & fast shipping, New fashion . This can include photographs, letters, articles and other non-book materials. Two platoons from Company A, one machine gun. On January 20, 1945, my outfit, Company B, 301st Infantry Regiment of 94th Infantry Division was stopped by German soldiers of the 11th Panzer when we attacked the town in the early morning. Free shipping for many products! 8th Infantry Regiment Virginia: 9 . This unit remained in the Netherlands for over 100years, swearing loyalty to the Dutch Republic in 1665 during the Second Anglo-Dutch War (1665-67). 1 item. Other ranks' glengarry badge, 94th Regiment of Foot, c1874. The 94 th Regiment participated in a number of smaller conflicts between Perryville and the end of December 1862. Col. Hardin, Staff and Capts. It suppresseda Jacobite rising there, before returning to the Netherlands. Nennig, Berg and Wies. From the right rear with all guns blasting came Captain Hocker of B Company, 778th Tank Bn. the area and mopped up all remaining resistance the men of the 376th were relieved by 2nd battalion of the 302nd Infantry regiment. Later that afternoon "came the most frightening experience of all." Straub to endeavor to break out. Two of the companies lost contact with each other, causing the attack to be delayed even further until contact was restored. 8th Infantry Regiment Texas: 26 May 1865 : Infantry: Texas: View Record. ND. This regiment was organized at Sackett's Harbor January 6, 1862, and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years, March 10, 1862, with Henry K. Viele as Colonel. The men would be tested again as the Germans were not about to give up so easily., The 11th Panzer division was enroute to Trier when it received the order to divert towards the penetration in the Siegfried line on January 15th . This fought inthe 4th Mysore War (1799) atMallavelly and Seringaptatam,and in the SecondMaratha War (1803-05)at Argaon and Gawilghur in 1803. Citizenship So They Could Fight in WWI, U.S. At 0900 the Germans withdrew from the towns. The 94th, the "Bell Rifles." His entire strength was approximately 500 men between Tettingen and Nennig. Also, letters written while on a trip to California, Apr.-July 1871, with stops in Utah, Nevada, and Wyoming. AS soon as the first mines went off the enemy was alerted to the attack. Hagerty spoke with Lt. Col. Samuel L. Morrow of the 301st Field Artillery to arrange a smokescreen to cover a withdrawal of the trapped Americans. These are large files; however, they are exact images of the pages. Released prisoners of the 94th Regiment from Bronkhorst Spruit, Pretoria, 1881. 3d REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEER INFANTRY. Gen. Louis J. Fortier May 45 Maj. Gen. Allison J. Barnett Aug 45 Campaigns Northern France Jul 44 - Sep 44 Even though the GI's had to retreat form the gains made the previous day they still had Tettingen and had pierced the impenetrable Siegfried Line.. From 1921 to 1942, the division remained on the Massachussetts organized reserve rolls, though the unit did not assemble except for regular weekend training. Taber discusses problems he is having with his leg. Includes monthly attendance reports, requests for leave, death certificate, and widow's pension application. Storming house to house the men from Company E cleared all the houses on their sector. [1] The 94 th Division would consist of four regiments 373, 374, 375, 376, the first two were assigned to the Tactical Brigade 187 while the 375-Colored, and the projected 376 were to form part of Tactical Brigade 188. In the Wilderness campaign it served with the 5th corps, being engaged at Cold Harbor, Totopotomy and White Oak swamp. 94th NY Infantry casualties at Weldon Rail Road, Virginia, on August 19, 1864. 96th Infantry Division. Scotland Tank destroyers from the 704th TD battalion moved forward from Sinz came under intense tank fire from the superior guns of the Panzers. The bunker was a trap, and when the men thought that Lieutenant Jonscher had been killed in the trench, the fight went out of them. Uncle Freddie's 1st Battalion, 301st Infantry would be involved in this intense battle and the battalion would suffer enormous casualties. At 3:00 A.M., on the morning of January 15th the 319th engineers began sweeping a path through the minefields. 377th 378th 379th. When the U.S. Army was reorganized on July 28, 1866, for peacetime service after the American Civil War, six regiments were set aside for Black enlisted men. George F. Miller to hear of the plan and to make a reconnaissance of the area. Afterreturningfrom India to Scotland in 1808, the regiment deployed to the Peninsular War (1808-14) in 1810. Prepared by a Committee of the Regiment. Two hours later a second assault came from the north of Butsdorf about ten Mark V Panther tanks moved in against the towns. The one remaining TD left the forest with some wounded men to bring back to Sinz. Mr. Tessier quotes details from my description of the ill-fated attempt to capture Orscholz, Germany in my memoir UNSUNG VALOR: A GI'S STORY OF WORLD WAR II. FOR SALE! His buddies had been cut off, but had convinced Polish defectors from the German army to pretend to have captured them and escort them to friendly lines. Thank you. 22 pages. Treated by a medical aid man, he was placed in a captured bunker with others before they moved back. Ordered to "attack to the rear," Straub declined. Every time his men moved, they drew heavy enemy fire.