If you check out traditional Turkish wedding clothes, they still look kinda Egyptian, you can see the connection, especially since the Egyptian look is so iconic and unmistakable. Does anyone else feel the evil energy coming from underground? Ive heard that Rh- is the blood of Jesus, and since theyre satanic, they want to corrupt Jesuss blood, hence why all of the royal families are Rh-. I started getting migraines with aura when I was young, maybe junior high. Father white, brown hair, blue eyes, of English, American Indian, African cross. The Nephilim are mysterious beings or people in the Hebrew Bible who are large and strong. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. Your email address will not be published. He writes, "The term more naturally refers to a desire for those of the same sex; they desired flesh other than that of women. RH-permanent, YES it isnt possible to change blood types. Id like to point out that I had a sore throat and back pain last week and than tested positive for Covid-19 and was fine with in roughly 18hrs. Me too Im rh neg I am scared of heights so bad ! What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Rh negative, Blue Blood, Aliens, Reptiles. When natural things are turned upside down, etc., they become weird and need a lot of explaining. I am facinated by my rhesus A neg blood. Science does not know where it came from. Though I have type B blood and I understand were comfortable being alone because of our nomadic background. Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation? If we are all human, why would our bodies reject our baby we are carrying? Most Bible scholars believe that God destroyed the Nephilim in the flood and that the description of Nephilim in Numbers 13:33 is an exaggeration. Experts think that the Rh negative piece of the action is a variety that transpired due to a passage over the game. Im A- Neg and have had the Rhogam shot with my youngest 2 children. DNA, Blood Groups, and Racial Studies 3. Bible verses that reference the Nephilim do not attribute many specific physical traits to this line of people, except for littered references to their height (and overall health). He was a pastor for 10 years. If you are fearful of heights, might you be a more careful / scared person that takes less risk. Does anyone else think we are going to be grouped and studied? Others include ABO, Duffy group, Kidd group, Lewis group, Rhesus and MN group. The remaining 85% are Rh positive, making them more favorable. Although we do not have a specific verse that addresses the issue of RH negative blood and its effects, the Bible does offer important principles on the subject.First of all, the Bible says that we were. ABSOLUTELY!!! Thorough, about 40 45% of Europeans have the Rh-negative grouponly about 3% of African descendants and about 1% of Asians. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Several early Christian leaders like Justin Martyr, One possible reading of the Hebrew can mean that the, Human leaders are sometimes referred to as, It best fits the context of global judgment, Some important Christian theologians have held this view, including, Did fallen angels return to Earth and mate with people again. I dont really know, but the reason why the leigh lines were important is also the reason why this cult is into astronomy and the movement of the celestial bodies. 15 Prayers for Someone Who Lost a Loved One, 15 Prayers for Stressful Time & Stress Relief. js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; Id be interested in knowing the percentage of people that line up like this. Does salt water carry significant health benefits for Rh negative individuals? When I was 33 I had my gallbladder removed. The wigs look totally British, but theyre Egyptian. You can use first name only, if no one else has commented under that name before. Those who believe that the descendants of the Nephilim exist today do so in defiance of what Genesis records. And are seeking their most beneficial to take away their sins. This has led some to suggest that Rh-Negative blood must be of a non-human origin. So she is correct. Death here means the eternal separation from God that is hell for those who fully surrendered their lives to Jesus. Im 0 and Ive never Ben sick not even a cold ! Rh factor (short for Rhesus factor) is a protein that most people have on the surface of their red blood cells. John 6:55 For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink. Their intelligence often comes across as being rude, arrogant, or cocky to others who . Now, I am learning its my Rh- factor. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Leviticus 17:11 - For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. Below are some of the interesting facts you may want to know aboutRh negative blood type. His ties with his community make him the man he is today. If your blood analyses are positive for this, you have the piece of the action in your blood. And they are living with 15% of Rh-negative. 4 trips to the emergency room, but with the preventive maintenance so far under control as best, but heart still will beat out of rhythm then go back to normal, I really dont like it and cant drink any alcohol, that triggers it. Those are the people the enemy wants to influence and will not have your back in the fight for freedom and truth. My husband is an avid hunter and fisherman we have a lot of fresh caught fish (mostly pickerel & trout) and a lot of wild meat moose, elk, deer, etc. Did you find out whats in this serum that is only good for six months while changing your DNA this virus has a US PATENT expired in 2020. There are very few exceptions. She was also descended from Jesus and Mary Magdeline. Eight years after third child I was pregnant. I do not have a fear of heights, but I am super picky with my food. The obelisk and dome represent the male and female components of creation, as per the story of Isis and Horus. Genesis 6:1-4; When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. The languages of this band of peoples are related, too, thats a well established fact. On a side note, the DNA of Egyptian mummies has been decoded to be Turkish, Arab, and Eastern European. I am using the term God and human, to differentiate between the spiritual leaders of old who created modern humans, and humans of today. People with Rh- blood types are more likely to develop a compromised immunity, and might not be as healthy compared to anyone with an Rh+ blood type. No one should take the vaccine. And physiology, argued that life is in the blood. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Rh protein plays a significant role as a channel for CO2 gas (carbon dioxide) across cell membranes in the body: "Rh proteins act as gas channels that help speed the transfer of carbon dioxide (CO2) in and out of red blood cells. Please note that comments will not be approved unless you use your real name. I think we are definitely different people than the main population? Many people in my Irish side have AB blood. Before one can discuss where the Bible might make references to Rh Negative blood types, it's . No one knows the origins to date. Dxed with reactivated Epstein Barr Virus. AB negative is not the rarest. Your post was very interesting. I am an Extroverted/Introvert and have a fear if heights and falling. A move to a different location maybe? Negative Rh factor: Proof of extraterrestrial origin? Rhesusnegative.net May 4, 2017 25. If you're looking for a devoted family man, then Robert is your guy. With O negative blood transfusion, trauma and accident victims are given a chance at life. While PG, every time saw doc. Im O- and had horrible allergies and eczema and other skin problems as a kid, I became a type 1.5 diabetic in 2011 at age 54. The Word still talks about blood in several different, important ways - including the blood of Christ, to the blood that can be shed in times of war or conflict. The Bible never mentions a specific blood type, such as A-Positive or O-Negative. Numbers 13:33; And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them., Jude 1:6 which says And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day.. Thank you so very much for the one and only (so far) intelligent/informed and enlightened comment.I was aghast at all the previous comments-yes, if only humans could be students of the vedas this world would be a much better place, alas the hubris and anthropomorphism! Your pregnancy needs special care if you're Rh negative and your baby is Rh positive (Rh incompatibility). Darwin was a Christian. I just want to clear up one misstatement I see all over the place on this issue. To be clear, no reputable Bible scholar, even among those that hold to the general framework of View 1, believes that people with Rh-negative blood are descendants of the Nephilim. Rh Negative is one of the rarest blood types on Earth, with only an estimated 1 in every 6 million people carrying this prefix to their blood type. Second, in the meaning of animal reduction. Then God said, Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground. But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian, for in. I did catch COVID at 70 breezed right through it. See My Truth: Rhesus Negative Blood and the Annunaki - Blogger I do think the government has a list of us and eventually something is going to come up where they need us for something. I live with noninfectious UC & Crohns disease. Thus the royal families were created, who were slaves to the reptilians, and who in turn set out to enslave the rest of humanity. Is RH-permanent or is it just through pregnancy such as diabetes? also, the more benevolent aliens gave us math etc, also we were from mars but bombed it senseless and were moved. A lot of debate about angels and demons surrounds the interpretation of these mysterious passages. A, B, AB, and O are the four common blood types present among humans and are usually inherited from the parents and are determined by pair of genes. To begin with, the bible says that we are created in the image of God. One school of thought associates these beings with fallen angels or their offspring. Anyway, though, the British royal family are very much tied to the ancient Egyptians. Most people who have the Rh blood type are Rh-positive. Evolution plus Alien genetic manipulation. Rh negative blood starts from a variety in the RHD gene. There are so many things that just dont add up. So now get why it happened. To many scholars, the unusual nature and intensity of the sin in Genesis 6:1-4 explains Gods regret (v. 6) and the flood of judgment that follows in the narrative. In 1977, a study determined the ABO blood types of 68 skeletons of Jewish residents from 1,600 to 2,000 years ago in and around Jerusalem. Maybe its to realize this part of my heritage? Genesis 9:6 Whoever sheds mans blood, By man his blood shall be shed, For in the image of God He made man. Both of my kids are Rh+, and it hasnt been a problem, since the proper treatment was given to me. Vaccinesare a racket, meant to makepharma rich, and make more patients for them to treat to get more rich. Cleveland Clinic's Ob/Gyn & Women's Health Institute is committed to providing world-class care for women of all ages. A Look On The Books Stance, What Christians Can Do To Combat Pride And Develop Humility, Does Life Begin At First Breath? My father was black and he is A- and my Caucasian mother was B-. Although the Rh-negative trait is rare in most parts of the world, it occurs in about 15 percent of Caucasians in Europe, Canada, and the United States.. Can rh negative people recognize each other? Your blood type is permanent. Because it is so common around the world, it must have arisen before the population breakup at Babel, perhaps even before the Flood. But when it comes to the antigens in our blood there's a small percentage of the population with a strange anomaly, leading some to question if Rh-negative blood is alien in origin. Me too. (Assess the Claims). The reference to Rhesus monkeys is only because it was their blood being analyzed when they discovered the D antigen. What is the majority view among scholars in history? Thanks for taking the time to write all that, I was entertained, but I think it was off topic by way more than one degree. These include: nonhuman/extraterrestrial ancestors, associations with physical traits, high IQ,sensitivity to psychic/paranormal phenomena, and disease resistance. These are the Bloodlines of the Anunnaki 'Gods' - Stillness in the Also my grandfather on my dads side was AB- like me. Itleads toa build up of antibodies in the mothers blood that causes it to fight or react to pregnancy of the second child resulting to death. Jesus had AB blood that was RH negative. The reason may have been because Europe was small at that time?? Every human has an RH factor in their blood. NOT related to the Rhesus monkey..regardless of race/ethnicity..some nonsense Darwin (a rather strange man w/rather strange ideas who also married his first cousin) came up with to push evolution OVER creation! Also see What Does the Bible Say About Astrology? What are the rh negative personality traits? This research scientist claims that Jesus' biological Father is "God". Dear folks, Christianity speaks about life and death in each evidence. I do my best to inform people , but some are so far gone they wouldnt know the truth of it hot em in the face ! So what does the Bible say about rh negative blood? I think youre a very sharp researcher- with a gift of synergizing details to make easy to understand. Laugh all you want, the joke is on you we already know it, you will have to learn ..if they let you. Did home pregnancy test. Never had it. Point Im making is if you do your research this gene came from a group of people out of Africa most likely of Sumerian origin. Lacking Rh factor canlead to problems especially incases where blood transfusion or organ transplant is needed urgently. It is messing with her head. As a rh- myself, 10 times being sick seems like a lot. Mary Queen of Scots was related to French Royalty and nobility. Thank you for the perspective! Generally, there are about 40 45% of Europeans who belong to theRh negative group. a fortunate factor when I had a ruptured spleen and liver in an accident in a rural part of Scotland. Dti lovka ti bez Rh faktoru jsou nositel kompendia poznn celho univerza, tady na zemi jsou jako pozorovatel. Have Asthma & Pollen Allergies. My father was born in Germany, my mother part American-Indian Cherokee as well, and one is tall one is short with both having blonde hair blue eyes. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? Indigos Are rh negative people more likely to have red hair and/or freckles. All apologies, Tim, it would appear I got that one backwards!! According to the Mayo Clinic, Having an Rh-negative blood type is not an illness and usually does not affect your health. There is a great deal of debate surrounding these mysterious passages about . This often leads to complications in future pregnancies carried by the same woman. He says the bible is for reproof, so it's full of errors. Sodom's sin from this perspective is homosexual behavior. ], 7 Top Christian Books On Purpose In 2023 [Find It! The Bible speaks about blood in several different ways, though never about blood types. All these things I have had and no one else in our family have had and I am the only one with my blood group. The Rh Neg Blood Type - Nephilim bloodline - Spirituality, Religion and Had a reaction. Im rh negative as well. As the History Channel's series Ancient Aliens demonstrates, alleged encounters between people and extraterrestrials are popular stories, even if most people like them for entertainment value as What Does "Strange Flesh" Mean in the Bible? Hebrews 9:14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? We get hold of our blood group system genes from our parents, and like all our genetic makeup, from both. I am O negative. Romans 6:23; For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. What Does The Bible Say About Rh-Negative Blood? - FeedMag We can still contract it but the rate is much less than the rh positive people. For the life of every creature is its blood., He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself., And to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel., Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus,, But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.. You know the people that want you to look away from the truth. There is one more way in which the Bible refers to blood that many people are already familiar with: the blood of Christ. GESTATIONAL DIABETES -Gestational diabetes goes away after you give birth. In other words, God destroyed the Nephilim. And can produce an Anti-D antibody. Rh Negative blood has been mislabeled, on line, as diseased blood NOT SO. What does the Bible say about rh negative blood? The Rh-Negative Registry - Theory: Jesus "Yashua's" Nazarene (No. And passed on to Enoch, Noah. The same is said of the Peruvians, some of the Japanese and Tibetan Monks. The average among most people is only 15%-Rh negative, while some groups have very little. NEED SHOT EACH TIME FOR PREGNANCY Universal Red Cell Donor and Rare Blood Type. Fortunately, the Australians found a donor within the country and my mothers wasnt required. Actually I am 70% Irish because my paternal grandparents came from Waterford, Ireland. We believe in the Trinity, the conformity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead. The history becomes strange around this subject, just because satanism is a cult and they have worked hard over the years to hide it. Also every story for a god, regardless of culture, are aliens or other dimensional beings. BG has openly stated this. Was not told that if I didnt get the RhoGam shot early on there was a good chance I would miscarry. Im O-/RH- (Im assuming they are the same). No scientist can tell you where it came from. hardly get sick. If an expecting mother is Rh negative and her baby is . vakcny jsou ipy a smlouvy se Satanem,(Elem) kad kdo podlehne strachu a tlaku vtiny a pistoup dobrovoln na okovn bude opakovat mnoho reinkarnac ne se odprost od tto sluby. The child was named Horus. Furthermore, scholars argue that God destroyed the Nephilim thousands of years ago.