It tastes pretty good too! Jul 04, 2017 @ 14:04:03. My husband recently had his five year check up and lab work and he remains CANCER FREE! I just bought trader joe's salt free corn chips and hummus. This granola is delish! As long as it does not contain dairy or other banned ingredients, chocolate is fine for LID. -Trader Joe's Organic Banana Chips The aches have improved but the rest of me feels strange. I've found a few products, through the help of this website and through scouring the shelves of grocery stores, that have made cooking and eating while on the LID diet a bit easier. It's good to know, because getting enough sodium on any diet is healthy. How did you find out that these products were LID safe? I hope all goes well for your husband. Other brands, such as Eden for example, say No Salt Added, but have kombu seaweed added (so stay away from those). * Unsalted canned veggies (black beans, corn, etc) Here is a link: They carry many, many other labels, so go for the Trader Joe's label only and you should be all right. Also someone mentioned to me a bread, which I think was in Trader Joes or Whole Foods that was LID safe. I feel like I'm eating too many carbs and not enough protein. Oscar Mayer brand bacon is LID-safe too. Hunts No Salt Added Ketchup This stuff wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. I was a nervous wreck when I started reading about the LID. traders joes great place to find items for low iodine diet Also Enjoy Life chocolates, almond butter and grape jelly. I may just use sugar in my coffee and live without my milk/creamer. I would like to think I am superwoman and will not experience any symptomsbut better check with you all. Im so sorry your son is going through this. Very supportive group. The ingredients listed are only rice and water. Thank you for the list. Should I be drinking distilled water? Hang in there, mama. Mar 17, 2017 @ 23:33:18. (Didn't think to ask.) Publix Country StyleHashbrowns Peeled potatoes are allowed on LID. I have the cookbooks but am wanting breakfast and snack ideas not in the cookbook. So I cut up the hamburger patty, lettuce, tomato and onions and seasoned it all with the stuff I brought with me and made it into somewhat of a taco salad with my unsalted chips! I learn more each time I do LID and want to share because I know how hard it can be. That's right- we're from the south! Both my husband and I have thyroid cancer, his being Papillary and mine Follicular. Im sorry you are having a hard time finding something to eat on your low-iodine diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables are always a safe bet. Great for soups, risotto, mashed potatoes, etc Make sure to read labels because the regular Progresso broths contain sea salt. Good luck and remember LID is about 19 days out of a lifetime, and it's all to improve your chances of knocking this cancer down for good! Plus both stores have an excellent selection of fresh fruits, veggies and meats. Jul 21, 2012 10:41 PM. , Pepperidge Farm Jewish Rye (Seedless or not) Bread . I don't think the ground beef is USDA organic, but it is from TJs. Trader joes Dry roasted and unsalted pistachios. My husband is on LID for the first time, and youve helped tremendously! I thought I would have to be extremely careful with fruits and such, but I learned shortly after being diagnosed which fruits spike my sugars and almost none do thankfully! It does get easier each time. 6 weeks is a long time to be on this diet. In addition to Club crackers, Keebler Zesta saltines, Town House Original crackers , Graham crackers are also fine. recipesforsustenance It doesnt taste half bad. I mean you can eat a lot on LID if you cook everything from scratch but when youre sooo tired thats hard to do so this helps so much! -Kitchen Basics unsalted vegetable stock (the only ready-made veggie stock I could find without salt added) Used for the Homemade LID Snack Bar recipe. On some lists, it is considered an ingredient that is not allowed on LID. I am so glad you are finding my blog helpful! Kosher,,,,, Follicular Variant of Papillary Thyroid Cancer. We are starting the 2nd round of the LID diet for my husband to start his radioactive iodine treatment next month. To clarify, someone posted that they contacted TJ's and the response they received indicated that the foods with the Trader Joe's label use iodine-free salt in those products with salt. I thought I'd ask about the salt in their products, and this was their response: It many not be a ton of food but it was nice for me to find a handful of things that I could eat/snack on. Also, check the ingredients list for other no-no's like eggs, dairy, etc. Looked forever for a bar of chocolateThis was it! First time looking at your site. When I finally woke up this morning I was SORE!!! Trader Joe's (all of these items are trader joe's brand) I have spent countless hours researching what I can and cannot eat on LID and I have never read that enriched flour is on the do not eat list. Trader joes organic brown rice penne pasta sodium free. Im so sorry to hear that both you and your husband have (or had) thyroid cancer. recipesforsustenance Mashed Butternut Squash - Cut a butternut squash into cubes. Also, Pomi makes a box of chopped tomatoes with no salt added. I hope everything goes well with your RAI treatment. Ive been kinda bummed out trying to find things I actually like to eat. I contacted Thai Kitchen via their Facebook page to ask if they use iodized salt in their products and got this response, Hi Suzi, We do not used iodized salt in our Thai Kitchen or Simply Asia products. Not sure what to doif anything.? Im glad to see some products on your must that I wouldnt have thought to include with my LID diet grocery list. I'm getting ready for the LID and love trader joes products. Earth Balance Soy-Free Buttery Spread This stuff tastes good. Ill keep yall in my thoughts. Doing RAI at home. * Corn tortillas Conr tortillas were good with their ground turkey. Apr 10, 2016 @ 12:20:27, You are most welcome! I got some unsalted veggies, unsalted tomato sauce, fresh tomatoes, green onions, sweet onions, avocados, granny smith apples, imitation butter to make that butter in the book, fresh blackberries, some fruit squish'ems! Its great on oatmeal. Bottom line is Trader Joes Brand (products that they manufacture themselves) products use non-iodized salt. ;-). The only downside is that the products are a bit pricey. Not to burst anyone's bubble-but my docs said not to use/trust any product that companies say they use non-iodized salt-unless they can put it in writing! Their hummus is amazing with their whole wheat tortillas it was my go to for most of the time when I didn't feel like eating as well as their whole wheat bread and avocado. They are till cheaper on a lot of things but they have also had to raise their prices because of the catastrophes going on in the USA in recent years (floods, droughts, bird flu, etc.). I think I can handle natural pb and banana's for sandwiches often but I probably need a little more in the option category. I think I will need a garbage pail in my room. I cant image. Flowers. I hope all goes well with your scan! My favorite ingredient from the LID. I found unsalted tortilla chips, corn tortillas with no salt, canned tomatoes and tomato sauce with no salt added AND tons of kosher meat. Yes!!! I have been reading through postsand trying to answer my questions through those so as not to bother anyonebut geez that takes too much timeso I have decided to postand many of you veterans will find yourself repeating yourself and for that I apologize. I'll ask the grocers at Whole Foods and Trader Joes for helpbut just throwing this out thereI'm also bummed about saying a goodbye (for a few weeks) to soy milk and I see my favorite almond milk has sea salt in it! Feb 11, 2018 @ 19:43:52. recipesforsustenance Keeping a good thought for you! Kitchen Basics Unsalted Beef Stock this stock is delicious. Put the squash into boiling water and cook for about 15 minutes. They were a bit pricey for the quantity, so dried beans are always a good option (but they take forever to cook!) Mar 08, 2020 @ 16:45:36. One nice thing is that if a TJ item is made with Sea Salt it says so on the label, if it says Salt as an ingredient it is non-iodized. I figured I married him for better or worse, at least we can do this part of the journey together. This morning the drainage tube came out which means they got all the fluid out of her lung (reducing the risk for pneumonia) and she was sitting up and eating cheerios! I had one for a snack on day 4 :) Best wishes! No one is very savvy about iodine, but just let them know that any sea ingredient (kelp, fish, etc.) They are also a bit sour so it helps with the salivary glands. My doctor recently decreased my levo and increased my cytomel due to severe body aches. All feedback will be appreciated. If they are, which ones? Glad to see Publix brands too! If a company changes their recipe, they have to list the new ingredient on the label. Milan says, "It's such a nice treat to start off a new weekand they're usually always under $7!" Does anyone know what it is? Any hints / tips would be so appreciated. Last blood work my TSH was .14.what does that mean? We start the diet on the 11th. No whammies! From clothing to flowers to wine, you can purchase just about anything Fair Trade.Notable brands like Athletica, Patagonia, Kashi Foods, Honest Tea, and select products from Whole Foods, Aldi, Trader Joe's, General Mills, and Kroger have joined the Fair Trade movement. Lots of sorbet options out there- most with zero sodium. I will try it as a marinade with chicken breast and use it on a salad with pecans and apples or pears.mmmm. It is commonly called vitamin E in a generic sense, as vitamin E substances are made up of tocopherol and similar elements. Thank you so much for this site.. Zero sodium/zero sugar. Best wishes to you, as well. Feb 26, 2017 @ 16:21:30. Ive been having anxiety on what else I could include on the LID diet I just started! Hi everyone!! Awesome post! - Whole Foods Brand Boxed No Salt Added Chickpeas (it comes in a small box and was at the very bottom of the canned bean shelf). Hope that helps! Having this bread will save me time since I wont have to be making bread from scratch. I did see sea salt on some things which isn't ok!! No lactose, no salt. Sincerely, At 11am the anesthesiologist was suppose to be in to prepare grandma but the case before was running way late due to complications. Anyone have Amy other easy tips? What an arduous task to deal with while also dealing with a cancer diagnosis, and insurance stuff..I just keep looking until 1/28 when I will be done with the after RAI WBS and on to living until the next US in March. Sep 15, 2018 @ 00:46:09, You are so welcome! You can find unsalted canned beans, but its more economical to just cook dried beans at home and season with kosher salt. Second thank you, thank you and thank you for all of your research and phone calls. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Zero sodium.while it says Sugar Fire sauce is a dessert sauce- we used it on grilled chicken, hamburger patties, etc. I used it to cook a chicken dish that my family loved! Amanda. Trader Joes Vegetable Samosas found in the frozen food section, these mini samosas are delicious. = Rough. Good Luck!! * Stonehouse 27 tomoates and chillis cooking sauce - something of a mix b/t a pasta sauce and a curry. Please be aware that there are no laws and no FDA guidelines that would prevent them substituting iodized salt. Both probably have more but I had limited time to shop. We got this, recipesforsustenance 3 before RAI and 2 after RAI. You are welcome! Im so glad you found my blog helpful! Hard to believe you can have bacon on LID. I plan on going to trader Joe's to look for food tomorrow before I start the diet. I have the cookbook but if anyone has links to good "prepared" options that old be GREAT! Girl Scout Cookies Thanks-a-Lot Several Girl Scout Cookies are LID-friendly. Just remember to check ingredients in the stores. and don't worry about soy lecithin, it's the one soy that is allowed. recipesforsustenance Trader joes Unsalted organic white corn tortilla chips. I hope RAI went well and you are recovering well. We are starting on the LID on Monday for his second scan. Sep 04, 2019 @ 19:52:37. Shiner Bock Beer beer, wine, and alcohol are allowed on LID. recipesforsustenance I am so glad I found your blog. Delicious with the Elmhurst Milked Cashews. any tomato sauce already prepared we can use? I use Morton's kosher salt in my kitchen, everyday. I also used an awesome resource, LID Life Community ( I dug out my back pack and started filling it up with things I thought I would need for a long day in Seattle! I called the manufacturer and they gave me distributors in Boise to call and none of them have it. recipesforsustenance I have read that you should just keep all the clothes you wear in the room with you and not wash them for like 8 days to allow radiation to dissipate. The mediterranean one did not, but be careful and read labels. The doc said she would have the intubation tube and on a breathing machine until last night or this morning, and her drainage tube in her chest (they found fluid in her lung during the surgery) would be in until they got the fluid out or up to 2 days. Hi Suzi, We do not used iodized salt in our Thai Kitchen or Simply Asia products. I bought mom and grandpa coffee, mom and I a vitamin water (since I drank all that I had brought) and grandpa a gatorade :) I had planned on making guacamole for lunch, but the avocado was over ripe and was about guacamole when I cut it open so it got pitched and I ended up buying some lunch! So knowing that, grandpa was extremely relieved knowing grandma was in the ICU now and was on her way to recovery! We'll start with questions about LID and move onto questions about RAI. I'm the one that confirmed it with trader joes. My dr told me I have hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid, has goitre, lose weight etc) and she told me i should take *more* iodine rich food. The instant ones have sodium. I have a 17 year old son too. This is a link: recipesforsustenance You can ask questions and even post pics of food products for confirmation if they are allowed on the diet. Best wishes! Plus, frito-lay posts it on their website in FAQs that they do not use iodized salt. They do carry some other brands, so make sure you have a Trader Joe's brand item. Uncle Ben's Ready Rice Brown Rice - Iodine occurs naturally in rice. Im assuming it was good since you posted all of these items. However, you are right about the hummus several have sea salt! recipesforsustenance 75% cacao. We then walked around a bit so he could get some air, breath a bit and then we all headed back up to the cardiac surgery waiting room. However, it's likely very safe for the LID. * Unsalted tortilla chips I burned all my energy and then some but I am thankful I went to be there for grandma and my family! Coconut milk can also be used to make a non-dairy whipped cream. Coconut milk can also be used as a coffee creamer in a pinch. Check out this website:, Thank you for these posts ..They will be very helpful. Zero sodiumwhile it says Sugar Fire sauce is a dessert sauce- we used it on grilled chicken, hamburger patties, etc. Anyone know? recipesforsustenance Its a brand new bed bought at christmasIt has a water proof bed lineris it safe or should I sleep on an airbed? Their fresh ciabatta bread, too. Trader Joe's does not use any iodized salt in our product labels. Tips for Less Stressful LID Food Preparation: **Always consult with your medical treatment team and follow their current food list during your LID**, Some blog readers reported their physicians told them to avoid beets during the LID- These chips contain mostly sweet potatos with some beet chips- if you have been advised to avoid beets- simply pick out the beet chips and save for another family member. There are several other types of Elmhurst products and you can order from their website. recipesforsustenance and gluten free flours and I see that only basmati rice is LID compliant, and the manufacturers don't usually list the type of rice they use in the GF products. La Banderita Corn Tortillas I dont know what I would have done without these tortillas. Trader Joes Unsulfured Dried Apricots I used these dried apricots in a nut and dried fruit snack mix that contained unsalted almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, raisins, and dried apricots. Grandpa really needed a smoke to alleviate his anxiety and worry. Is that for fresh as they may have dye? And, I'm taking the advice the radiologist gave me--"Don't freak out if you accidentally have something with iodine in it". When do you stop driving after going HYPO? -I made the lemon pesto rice with portabello mushrooms-I used brown basmati rice (whole foods brand), substituted walnuts for almonds (since I had a whole bag of walnuts on hand), and used Braggs premium nutritional yeast seasoning (found at whole foods). If you should have any further questions please contact me. I LOVE to eat and they don't even consider the hormonal changes I'm going through! I'm a 29-year old vegetarian living in DC, diagnosed with stage I papillary carcinoma a few months ago, and on week 1 of the LID diet. Ingredients: apples, strawberries, apple juice concentrate, blackberry puree concentrate, natural flavor, red raspberry juice concentrate and ascorbic acid. I am finding that the opposite is true, I am having a hard time keeping my sugars up enough because my endo does not want my sugars below 90 but so far I am barely there!!! They also have a coconut based creamer for coffee. I read and re-read the ingredients list. The LID Life Community has a Facebook group too. I used quite a few things from Trader Joes thanks to Kareylynns posting! On my way for my second dose of RAI (higher dose). recipesforsustenance Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. They also have a Facebook group for support. Thank you so much for posting this!!! recipesforsustenance Beef flavor bouillon. -Pacific all natural hemp non-dairy beverage (vanilla)--this does not contain soy, sea salt, or carrageenans (sea weed), ingredients that every other dairy-free milk label that I have read seems to have. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at Low Iodine Diet aka LID - What can I eat? - Cancer SURVIVOR I dont like to cook so a lot of these will be perfect for me. I have been dreading this low iodine diet and no hormones for weeks and now it's here - and I know it's going to hard. There are two types of Elmhurst Milked unsweetened variety and a Barrista approved variety. Trader Joes Coconut Creamer I like this coffee creamer better than the So Delicious brand. -Morton's Course Kosher salt--Morton's website says that it is not iodized even though the box itself does not say "this product does not contain iodine". Uncle Bens Ready Rice Brown Rice Iodine occurs naturally in rice. As long as you read labels and know what ingredients are not allowed, you are good. Uncle Bens Ready Rice Brown Basmati it is said that basmati rice is the best rice for LID because it has a lower amount of naturally occurring iodine. My experience with thyroid cancer with emphasis on Low-Iodine Diet recipes and menus. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. Original and Lightly Salted Original Pringles are both LID-safe. I have cancer and am doing the radioactive iodine treatment next week. I've never read so many labels in my eyes hurt. This blog was a time and life saver!! I will survive this too :) Just another bump in the road :) Read labels. Oct 01, 2021 @ 20:23:05, First, I am sorry that your Thyroid Caner brought you to this point. Seeing your list it makes the next couple weeks more manageable.THANKS SO much! Zero% sodium; 160 cal./serving; gluten free. RAI in 6 days! You can microwave them for a quick meal. Others here have gotten written confirmation from them that any salt used in Trader Joe's branded food is iodine-free. What worked for you? Newmans Own Tomato & Basil Spaghetti Sauce Newmans Own brand items do not contain iodized salt. I shopped there and talked to an employee that wasn't as informative or helpful . The ingredients of the shreds are: Filtered water, tapioca flour, expeller pressed non-GMO canola and/or safflower oil, coconut oil, pea protein, salt, vegan natural flavours, inactive yeast, vegetable glycerin, xanthan gum, citric acid (vegan, for flavour), titanium dioxide (a naturally occurring mineral). Yes TJ's is a wonderful store for LID items!