Rahu / Ketu Transit (Peyarchi / Gochar) is happening on Aug 29, 2020 IST as per Vakya panchangam. Rahu Mesham in Rishabam and Ketu Thulam in Viruchigam will be relocated. Throughout the transit, you have to control your ego, otherwise, it can harm your public image. This transit could be a great opportunity to repay and settle outstanding loans. According to temple almanac Vaikkya Panchang, this transit occurs on March 21, 2022. New Year 2023 Prediction for the country and the world? Major transit of Rahu-Ketu in 2020-2022 will occur through 4-10 axis which is indeed not a good transit to have however Rahu transiting through the favorite sign Taurus hence some discount he would like to give. You will gain some ancestral property in this transit. Taurus is Rahu's exalted sign and Scorpio is co-ruled by Ketu. This transit of Rahu ensures victory over competitions, foes, and legal situations. Rahu and Ketu will be changing their position in the zodiac on March 17, 2022. Make conscious efforts to express your care, love and commitment towards your spouse or romantic partner. Ketu will transit in the eight house for Aries natives at the start of 2022, which signifies an increase in mental tension as well as physical anguish and misery. Projects from media and mass communications can also come up. Your career is ruled by the earth sign of Taurus and that will make Rahu very stubborn about career progress. Rahu Ketu transit in Taurus Scorpio 2020-22 - psychologically astrology So, you should listen more and talk less. Sep 22, 2020: Apr 12, 2022: Ketu: Vcika - Kita - Scorpionis : Sep 22, 2020: Apr 12, 2022: Rahu: Meza - Kriya - Arya - Aries: Apr 12, 2022: Oct 30, 2023: Ketu in the 3rd house impacts younger siblings, style of communication, and bravery. Elderly female figures may need more care and they will have some concern for you. Rahu in 6th house enhances professional life, day-to-day life activities, philanthropy, and business deals. So Rahu's transit through Taurus has a special impact for India. According to temple almanac Vaikkya Panchang, this transit occurs on March 21, 2022. Facing financial problems? Good chances of retrieving your money stuck as loans or debts with other people will knock at your door. Ensure you are complying with every moral and ethical policy at work. You will have changes at work as Ketu is inspecting the 2nd house of career, and finances. It is suggested to practice safety measures while driving or handling sharp objects as some chances of injury are foreseen. You will be keen on participating in community activities and have good will towards everything. This transit is going to bring gains from your long term goals. You must ensure you spend quality time with family. This transit will fuel your spiritual seeking and make you keen on charity and philanthropic activities. This is a very sensitive phase for your relationships because Rahu will make you so keen about your relationships. Worried about your future? Career might be dull but relocation to a different country or county will be possible. To achieve this, one has to drop the acts of being stubborn and aggressive. Ketu in the 12th house can increase opportunities for investments, Moksha or spiritual liberation, generosity, and overseas migration. There will be some issues with your authorities too. Anti-social and anti-religious activity, falsehood, jealousy and robbery, strikes, mobs, foreigners, and rumors all come in its purview. . As such, the current transit of Rahu will also not be an exception either. Pray to lord Rudra and Lord Bhairav sincerely.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,600],'jupiterspeaks_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_21',131,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jupiterspeaks_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); For Pisces Moon sign, this transit will be occurring through 3-9 houses, which is a good transit as far as Rahu-Ketu is considered. Hence, they are called shadow planets. It would be wise to plan for long term investment or high paying financial bonds. There will be immense success especially in the field of politics, law & order, and medicine. Raghus aspect will be in personal life, so, this is the time for expansion. This transit holds great influence on your courage and communication skills especially at the workplace. People will be attracted to you like a moth to the flame. Venus enters Virgo on 3rd Nov, 2023 05:13 am. 2022 Rahu Transit | Rahu Peyarchi | Rahu Gochar Date and Time for Rahu Transit Horoscope 2020 - 2022 (Rahu Peyarchi / Rahu Gochar) by KT Time - 10:36 AM. There will be frequent communication with people from foreign lands. Business partnerships will gain momentum and the board could be up for all the new changes you might want to make. For couples planning for a family, there might be some delays during this transit. This time might not be ideal for planning on extending the family. This will make your life more into a spiritual note. As such, Vedic Astrology calls it a serpent and as objects that cast a shadow on the luminaries, their effects are mostly evil. Please control the sugar cravings as when the 6th house is activated, then you will be prone to lifestyle diseases. Due to these issues, you may have emotional problems too. Still, these events may bring out some complexities. All those events will not be giving you good inputs. For the major part of the transit, financial matters can be a challenge. The shadow planet Rahu will be in the sign of Taurus till 12th April 2022 and then it is all set to transit on 12 April 2022 at 11:18 am in the sign of Aries. Play kind and gentle in those moments to avoid hurting the relationships. There will be some creative programs and activities. Whenever the 5th house is activated, there will be some kind of downfall coming up. This movement of the shadow planets blesses success in reaching a government job or contracts with government offices. Things might not go well with your leaders or subordinates at work. Some people may choose clandestine affairs while they are away from their partner. Rahu-Ketu Transit 2023 In Aries And Libra Sign - THEVEDICHOROSCOPE.COM People associated with the divine arts like Astrology occult sciences, and Tarot will gain popularity and more clients in their occupation. Rahu in the second house enables chances of good money through family inheritance, assets, and even unhindered moral support from family. There will be a lot of research and studies regarding your long term projects. 2022 : 12 ? You can gain quick money and social life will be enriched. Women have to be very careful regarding their upper abdominal area. You will be having some problems with your publishers or authors. You might be more inclined towards expanding your spiritual knowledge, choosing meditation and alternative medicines for your health. Rahu Ketu Transit 2020 to 2022 - Vedic Astrology Lessons Ketus movement to your 2nd house may result in exceedingly high expenses. Your partner might pick up silly or petty fights. This will be an especially traumatic time, this combination is also called a Shapit dosh with its typical results. During Rahu-Ketus transit, a total of six eclipses will befall on the sign of Taurus and Scorpio as below: It is a cardinal principle of astrology that the transit results of a planet get modified due to other planets, their transits and relationships with transiting planets. Rahu will stay in Taurus till 17 March 2022. You will get some opportunities to join a new team and thus get some profits as well. Your life is all about your dreams, desires, hopes, health, wealth, image, and relationships. There are chances of sleeplessness or bad appetite. Rahu is going to move to Aries and Ketu will be moving to Libra on the same day, which is said to be a major phenomenon in Vedic Astrology. Try to be cut short of your expense as sudden expenses can come up at any time. Make a To-do list, create a schedule for everyday at work to avoid delays in projects. If some bad planets are also available in natal chart then it can give chronic ailment or disease which will be difficult to diagnose. Astrology enthusiasts are expecting some positive changes from September onwards as Ketu, the moksha karaka will enter the sign of mysterious matters Scorpio. For Virgo natives, this transit of Rahu-Ketu 2020-2022 will be acquiring 9-3 axis. . So, this transit is not in a safe mode, especially regarding the finances. Rahu Ketu takes around 18 months to transit a new zodiac sign. It is advised to be super aware of making new friends during this period. This will translate to profitable business deals in entrepreneurial pursuits. There will be intense changes in your personal life too. Money problems will arise. This transit will be a favorable turn for you at all levels. However, you should be very careful with all the new ventures. 2022 | Rahu ketu peyarchi 2022 palangal The problem is bigger for some who end up with some of the problems that existed in the past. You should be prepared in advance to face this. But economic impacts will continue as many businesses will shutdown and job being lost. Overseas business travels look fruitful and effective in case of new businesses. For these Moon sign natives this transit of Rahu Ketu 2020-2022, is going to be beneficial in terms of gain and material pleasure, it will be wish fulfilling and will bring gains from the career, if other factors supporting then it can bring promotions, business expansions, new opportunities etc. It can also extend into your family life. RAHU KETU TRANSIT 2020 -2022: Predictions for all Signs by Shri Dilip RAUT eBook : Raut, Shri Dilip: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store However, you need to be very careful about that. Ketu will transit to your 9th house of Poorva Janma. Rahu Mantra - 2. You will make great revenue on the business front. Rahu Ketu Transit from one zodiac house to the other. Based on Tirukanitha Panchang, this section lists the Rahu Ketu Transit details for the 12 zodiac signs or sun-signs for a 200 year period 1900-2100 in Gregorian calendar and the impact of Rahu Ketu Transit on your destiny. Throughout this transit, you will have emotional stress and it is quite natural. They will remain in these two signs till 12 April 2022. Non-judgmental nature and diplomacy will sustain success. Establishing cordial relationships with peers or leaders might lead to prospects of promotions and salary hikes. Some of business competitors or hidden enemies may conspire against sponsors or at the workplace. Unnecessary problems arise in the family. You might have to strive more than usual for satisfactory gains in business. Rahu Mantra - 1. This transit will promote great communication and prepare you for open dialogues. Affliction to any house through malefic transits, eclipses and vedha adversely affect the significance of that house. Students may feel as if they are not focused and losing there interest due to distraction of outer world. The sector for communication and media will get highly activated, so, you can naturally expect a lot of focus at your communication. They are permanently retrograde so will shift from Gemini - Sagittarius and enter Taurus - Scorpio respectively on 23rd Sep 2020. In vedic Astrology, Rahu Ketu are slow moving shadow planets after Saturn, as transit has a lot to do with fructifying results of ongoing dasha hence cant be ignored. There could be profitable deals from foreign contacts and overseas deals. Majorly, the impact will be felt on economy, leadership, calamities/disasters, scandals, power-struggle and notable demises, Rahu will stay in Mrigshira Nakshatra till February 13th, 2021, Rahu will enter Rohini on February 13th 2021 and remain there till September 19th 2021, Between September 19th, 2021 and March 17th, 2022 Rahu will transit through Krittika Nakshatra, November 29th/30th, 2020 (Lunar Eclipse - Date varies for different time-zones), November 18th/19th, 2021 (Lunar Eclipse - Date varies for different time-zones), Transit of Mars through Taurus - February 22nd, 2021 to April 14th, 2021, Transit of Mars through Scorpio - December 2nd, 2021 to January 13th, 2022, Formation of Kaal-Sarpa Yoga - December 11th, 2020 to April 13th, 2021, Formation of Kaal-Sarpa Yoga - December 5th, 2021 to April 24th, 2022.